Some Good News!

Yay! Finally some good news! The ongoing apartment saga is finally over (for now-cue evil laughter). They installed the blinds today (as you can see above). The blind that's all the way to the left was too short, so the guy went out and bought one that's supposedly temporary (I'll believe it when I see them replace it). At this point, I don't care. I just want window coverings and them outta here so we can move on.

This has been ongoing for over a year now. They finally finished installing the HVAC and windows in February. We waited over two months for blinds. For the past 30 days, we often were waiting several hours every week (more than once a week) for the guy to install the blinds. You can read the transcription of the text messages here. They read like a play. It's nothing new from this company.

Anyways, now I can finally start to rearrange the living room/a.k.a. my art corner the way I want it to be! The little shelves that are right next to the window are going to be for my tiny little kid robot dunnys and toys that I have collected (I have always been a huge fan of tiny toys. I still have all of my little toys from when I was younger). I want to keep the stamp cabinet (for now). My bookcase is staying. There's a space between the cabinet and the bookcase that size wise is awkward. We can't move anything else so it has to stay like that. We've been looking for a bookcase or shelving unit to put there but it's just an odd size space and I don't have a lot of money to shell out for a unit at the moment. We'll figure something out and when I finish arranging it, I'll post it here so you can see where I make my art and how I store my stuff.


FYI, my class at Zinnia this Friday is a definite GO! I'll be there from 11:30-3:30 teaching my Pen Work class (think collage + pen work + mixed media techniques). I love this class and seeing how my students translate it! Fun!!!


Today is a big day in history. Lots of things on my mind today. Am remembering:
The Haymarket Affair 125 years ago today.
First Freedom Ride 50 years ago today.
Kent State Massacre 40 years ago today.


Sandy said…
So glad this is finally over for all of you. I'm sure you'll come up with something for the little space. I still need to reorganize my space and my desk just so I can get to my journals.

I'm going to watch the American Experience show about the Freedom Rides. My town has some history with the civil rights movement. A group of men were organized here during that time called the Deacons for Defense. There is a movie about it. So much prejudice still exist, it's so sad to me.
Raine said…
A quick suggestion for your odd spot... I love the shelving system that has vertical bars with slots for shelf-holders. Just hang the bars, clip on the brackets and you can get shelves cut to just about any size! You don't have to get fancy shelves. I usually go to the lumber department, pick a board that's the depth of the shelves I want and cut them to length. Easy Peasy!!! It's my favorite way to utilize oddly shaped spaces.
Arika said…
I just love that you have so many wood mounted stamps. Sometimes I feel like a dinosaur b/c I prefer them a million times over clear stamps. I will buy a clear or cling mount stamp if need be, but it's never my first choice. I just placed an order for 5 new stamps earlier today, and all of them will be wood mounted!
Jazz said…
Wow. I can't believe the saga is finally done! Congratulations. I was thinking exactly the same thing Raine was regarding the shelves. Plus, if you tire of it or find something better, it's super easy to take down.

- Jazz
maxine said…
The space as it is in that photo looks like maybe some wine storage (or other type) cubes might stack there. Try to think outside the box when considering how it might work. GHlad all the apartment drama has come to a halt. Enjoy it while it lasts!
Cathy Graves said…
I like to build shelves from stacked bricks and boards cut to length at the home improvement store but that space of yours seems too small even for that. Too bad. Hurray on the blinds though!! Wish I lived in So Cal so I could take your classes at Zinnia!! You'd see so much of me you'd get sick of me!!!
Debbie said…
YEA for the workers being OUT of your place!!!

And thanks for remembering my alma mater, Kent State. So sad...I'll never forget.