Passionate Declarations Journal

Here is my finished journal from February. I've added it as a slideshow below and as a permanent button on the right hand side of this blog.

I hope that you enjoy seeing it as much as I enjoyed working on it.

A quick heads up, I'm teaching my Pen Work class this Friday at Zinnia in South Pasadena. Think Pen Work + collage + mixed media + a ton of fun! (Oh yes, and I'll have tape with me, too!) Hope to see you there.


Sandy said…
I love this journal and I wish you could teach your pen class at my house. ;)
Love your slideshow.
Evelin said…
ooooh... come have classes in Malaysia! :P

Love your journals! How I wish I can visit you and learn from you personally :) One day, I hope :)
Desert Mermaid said…
It's beautiful, Kelly. so many of the images really resonate, halt my attention, create thought-flows.

Since everyone else who has commented has added a wish ... here's mine -- can you teach the Sanctuary journal as an online class?
Kelly Kilmer said…
I'm sorry. I won't be teaching Sanctuary as an online class but as an in person workshop. It is a brand new class. So new that I have yet to teach it anywhere but it is on my upcoming schedule. I don't teach in person classes online as I like to keep them separate. :) thanks!!!!!
smokeysmom said…
Fabulous journal Kelly! You did a wonderful job mixing colors with your journaling yet none of the pages scream at you. Love it!!
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thank you everyone for the comments!!! :)
Karenann Young said…
Love the slide show of your Feb. journal!!! Thanks for sharing!
Michelle said…
LOVE the bright covers - great pattern.
Desert Mermaid said…
shuck'ns, Kelly, that just means I'll have to be sure to come soak the Sanctuary in at Frenzy, right? hmmm? (wink) Mainly my question was meant to let YOU know how uber appealing that journal is to me!