An Open Letter to Tim Holtz

Dear Tim,

I've never met you, but I have heard wonderful things about you. You sell the best scissors on the face of the planet. Seriously.

It's your tape that we need to talk about.

You see, I'm a tape junkie. Washi paper tape. Deco plasticy tape. Cheap masking tape. Scotch tape. It's all good to me. If I can stick it down and it stays, I'm happy. I'm in love, even.

Your tape?

It doesn't stick. Look at the picture. It's the only tape (cheap masking tape, washi paper tape, hambly paper tape and your tape) that's coming up. This is what your tape does immediately. This is what your tape does even after I've smooshed it with my hand, a rag or even my bone folder.

It makes me sad.

I want to love to your tape. I love the designs. I love the color.

I don't like how I have to use glue to stick it down. Especially when your tape is about $5 a roll. I don't like having to use glue on tape. It's decorative tape. It's supposed to stay down when you stick it down.

Please fix this.

I want to keep buying your tape. I want to recommend it. However, I can't and I won't until you fix this. I'm tired of spending my money on tape that doesn't play well with others and I don't want my students having the same experience.

Come on, Tim. I know if anyone can make it better, you can.

In art paper, tape and inky fingers,



Cindy Pestka said…
Nicely said!
Sarah said…
oh good, I thought it was just me, that tissue tape is awful!
Anonymous said…
Oh no ... I just bought my first two rolls this weekend (can you believe I forgot my bag of tapes to journal with????) I had to get some tape and so I bought his. No problems that I noticed ... but I guess I should check out my journal now, after a few days, huh?
Pat Quilty said…
I recently paid almost 8.00 for that tape. I like it too but it has issues. I wish it would stick better too.
Tricia said…
Thanks for speakin up for all of us!
Sandy said…
I haven't bought any of his tape that I know of. Glad to know this info. I have this problem with 7 Gypsies tape.
Arika said…
Wow, so you're having better luck with the Hambly than with Tim's, huh? I've bought every set Tim makes, and while it doesn't stick as well as the washi I've bought on Etsy, I've never had to glue it down. With Hambly, I have to glue down all the skinny tapes, but not the thicker ones.

That's just weird. I think both companies need to work on this! That's the thing about TAPE. It's supposed! lol
Marylinn Kelly said…
I received two rolls as a gift and haven't tried them yet. Hmmm. Of course it had to be said and you were honest and not unkind. I would think he'd want to know.
Kelly Kilmer said…
I never want to be unkind.

I do, however, appreciate being heard.

Yeah, I've had luck with the hambly tapes. I have all of those. I've bought almost all of Tim's tapes. His tapes do not play well with other tapes.

If all of the tapes stuck as well as washi paper tape, I would be happy.
martha brown said…
I hope he reads this -- because his tape designs are so lovely, yet I've been having the non-stick problem too.....
laurie said…
let us know if you get a response! :-)
Anonymous said…
I thought it was just me - I got some of Tim's tape as a pressie and thought it might have been a bad batch! No other tape DOESN'T STICK - maybe we all need to write a quick note to Ranger? Glad you raised the issue, Kelly!
Anonymous said…
(Ok and this time I have nothing to add except that the word verification was "sperm" !!!)
julie said…
You said it well!!
I always have to add glue to his tape and that is frustrating.
sf said…
Haha Kelly! I looked at this tape and I thought to myself - Kelly should just rubberstamp some script onto masking tape, good ol' sticky masking tape. Or just write on it herself! Course it's all 'cuz I, a tape lover too, can no longer afford to buy ANY art supplies that I am not even TEMPTED to try this...I will take your recommendation and my own FABULOUS ADVISE!!!
SO glad it's not just me. I adore Tim and his products but this one is indeed a dud. I only use his tape when I'm planning to seal the project. Interestingly the tape sticks like crazy to itself...weird.
Ati said…
Good of you to say things which are true! Our money is too expensive to use it on equipment which doesn't work.
Carin Winkelman said…
Oh, what a pity. I just bought two rolls, because they looked so cute. Have only tried some small pieces on paper in my journal and that seemed to go well, but will have to keep an eye on it I suppose. You'd think they would test something like this before putting it on the market.
Sharon W. said…
perfectly stated, Kelly: after discovering that the tape lifted, I too took to using glue on first application. I won't buy it again. Why does ninety nine cent tape from bargain bins stick (and stick and stick) to everything, but this designer product lifts off immediately???
Barbara said…
Aha! Thanks Kelly for that. I thought I had just gotten a bad roll...or two.. or seven. I love his designs, but haven't been reaching for them in my tape jar lately because of that issue.
Debbie said…
Oh gosh... expensive and not sticky... not like Tim to let that slide...
Do send him a note on his blog...he'll get back to ya!

Happy taping!
Anonymous said…
I had been thinking the same thing, but just gave up. Thanks.
Stephanie said…
OMG! Ditto on all of the above! Bless your rebellious little heart for speaking up!
Interesting, I've been using the tape for about three months now and while I've not had any problems with it sticking to the journal page - I have noticed that it does like to stick to itself!
Kelly Kilmer said…
Erin, when you stick it directly on uncoated paper, it is fine. When you layer it onto other tapes or acrylic paint, it does what it does in the picture.
Desert Mermaid said…
Good to know. I had vast trouble with his crackle paints, too, drying out WAY WAY fast, when I'd only had the containers a coupla weeks.
Pat Quilty said…
please let us know if Tim has a solution other than gluing the tape down.
Sarah said…
I don't know about this tape but I bought a lovely set of many coours of washi tape on etsy and it peels off of everything. I have to use matt medium to get it to properly stick-the only thing it does stick to is itself!
Antares Cryptos said…
I am not familiar with any of his products.
As consumers, if we don't voice our opinions, we'll keep being sold products that don't work.
I've had that happen with art supplies. Bringing them back once opened, is futile. Manufacturers must know.
Unknown said…
I have that problem with Martha's tape :( it drives me bonkers!
Christen said…
It's very disappointing, because his tape is awesome!

Desert Maiden, i have the same trouble with his crackle paint :(
lacey said…

Has anyone here having issues, emailed him at the official website? I did and this is the response I got:

" Appreciate the links. Like I said I haven't heard any complaints before you nor have I have a single one from the literally hundreds of students I've taught that use it. I will say I was shocked by the links especially when someone blogs about the issue without even emailing me about it, but that's a whole other thing all together.

We need to take care of the problem at hand which is how many tissue tapes you need to return? I don't believe its a manufacturing thing as I did design my tape to be slightly different than washi tape so perhaps you either like it or not. I certainly appreciate you letting me know so please let me know how many you would like to return and I'll contact Advantus to get this going.

I'm sorry about the disappointment and trouble. "

I also have had a terrible time with this tape and feel that was an unacceptable response. I wish he would have offered a solution, rather than saying I either like it or not:(

Please contact him if you haven't already...maybe more responeses will encourage him to look into it.
Kelly Kilmer said…
I sent an email to him about it and didn't hear anything. I know he's quite busy...

Tape should stick without having to use glue on it. That's the bottom line.