More Shelf Love

I haven't posted a bookshelf picture in awhile. I can't pick any favorites as I think they're all worth checking out.
One book I carried around with me for months and that I still go back often to is Print and Pattern Bowie Style. I love the colors and multitude of different patterns in this book. It's one big inspiration treasure trove.
Check out the blog here:
I know I'm weird but I love seeing other people's books. I often check out other people's books online. It's the only time that my eyes roam. I'm a book whore. There! I said it. It's true. I love me some books big time.
I'm teaching my Love Story Journal  at Stamping From the Heart in L.A. tomorrow (Fri) so if I don't respond to your email right away, you know where I am! There's still room in the class!!
Those of you in No CA, stay tuned! I'll be announcing classes in Fremont July 8th and 9th very soon! I'm excited!!


Sarah said…
They say never judge a book by it's cover - fine - but I'm free to think a few random things about the shelf owner... right up there with someone's bathroom cabinets.