8 January 2011 journal page

I've had several people ask me if I ever get to take any online classes? Why, yes, I have!

Right now I am taking Juliana Coles' Initiation class. Juliana packs her classes full of art journaly goodness. She gets you down and dirty and right to the heart of the matter. I have taken several in person classes with Juliana in addition to buying her online class booklets. She is one of the best artists and instructors out there. She keeps it real and gives her most to her students. This workshop is amazing and I would highly recommend it.

Another favorite instructor whose classes (both in person and online) I've taken is Carla Sonheim. Carla's silly, funny and inspiring. If you want to learn how to open your eyeballs and SEE things and be inspired enough to put pen to paper, then Carla is the woman you want to see. I have her book, too (ya need it!). Her classes are fun, accessible to everyone and just silly (in a good way. Join up and you'll see what I mean). I printed out three copies of the handouts and Tristan and I worked through them last summer on the airplane ride from Los Angeles to Boston. We had a blast. Her classes are perfect for ages 1 to 101!

Then, from time to time, I have someone ask me,

"Why are YOU taking THAT class (or ANY class)? Don't you know how to do that already?"

My attitude is that we can all learn something new from any medium-even a medium that we've been working in for over a decade (or longer). There's always something new to learn even if it's just a new approach or an inspiration flame that gets you going and sets you off in a new direction. Taking classes should be FUN and most of all inspiring! It's all about how you look at things and how open you are to new ideas and approaches.

What are some classes you've taken that you've loved (in person or online)?


Sharon said…
My favorite "in person" classes, are the classes I have taken with you of course! But there was that one obscure class with Teesha.....
Jeannine said…
Eleven years in mixed media, my favorite classes:

Your classes at A Little Bizaar in Lake Elsinore years ago! I learned how to bind my own journals and work with paints/collage.

Juliana Coles, oh yes. I always leave her classes with fresh perspective, deeper understanding about things.

Mary Ann Moss's Remains of the Day online class.

We're so lucky to have so many resources for enhancing our creativity these days. The internet is really amazing that way.
Have taken ALL of Mary-Ann Moss' online courses, got SO MUCH out of them at the time and they continue to influence my work every day. Her blog is http://www.dispatchfromla.typepad.com/ and she has a new course coming up soon which sounds like even more fun.
Carin Winkelman said…
I haven't taken many online classes, but my favorite so far would be Mary Ann Moss' Remains of the Day Class. I felt so accomplished after finishing my first handmade book and I'm still proud of it everytime I see it lying around. I also feel like I have a foundation now to make my own books, which I'm really excited about.

The last in person class I did was a sculpture workshop. It was really cool to try out a completely new to me technique and to work 3D. I got a new respect for sculptors and also acquired the knowledge that I will never be one ;-)
Lori Wostl said…
Oh good! I needed something more to do - HA! I'm with you on Carla Sonheim and have considered Juliana Coles. I have done three different online classes with you and have gotten way more than my money's worth. I don't like to pay more than $50 for a class that is a first time with that instructor. I have found that some instructors click and inspire me and I can move right along through the class and some leave me cold-even when their art is good. So I usually start with the low end and then move up. If I have enjoyed a book with someone that is also a way to choose which class.
Deb said…
The first online (scrapbooking) course I took remains my favorite (up to this point, that is): "Design Your Life" by Cathy Zielske. It not only taught me basic layout/graphic design principles, it also helped me to get to the very heart of the matter and share the meaning behind the memories. I'm very much looking forward to your "Journey of You" course, my first venture into the wonderful world of art journaling. :)
the best online class i ever taken and i highly reccomend is "remains of the day" with Mary Ann Moss from dispatchfromla
Arika said…
I've taken an online class with Juliana as well, and I loved it. She completely inspires me. I think was Juliana who really pushed me out of the "making pretty pages" frame of mind. I'm definitely less attached to the end result, and use my journal in a deeper and more personal way.

I love that you still take classes! I agree with you that we can always learn something new.
Anonymous said…
I love taking online classes. I belong to the World Wide Pressed Flower Guild. Each month the guild offers a different class taught by one of the members. Classes are usually under 15.00. This month we are making victorian ladies out of pressed petals. Way too much fun!Very talented ladies come up with some loverly ideas using pressed flowers.
Pam Barnes
Mary Dean said…
I love your classes, Traci Bunkers' and Juliana Coles'. Juliana's "Alter This" class and "Fieldnotes" were both great! I am thinking about taking "Initiation," so maybe I'll see you there!
Unknown said…
I'm taking a Suzi Blu class online right now. Lots of fun!
Zoe, ontheroad said…
I don't take many classes, not because I know that much, but because of logistics, but I took one from you and another with Juliana--both terrific, both energetic and filled with thought and skill.

I always recommend both to anyone at any level.
Cathy Graves said…
I took an on-line class from Pam Carriker a few years back which taught me alot as I was just starting out. I think she is an excellent teacher. My favorite teacher so far is Mary Ann Moss because as well as being an awesome teacher, she has a wicked sense of humor!! I have taken all of her classes. I have signed up for ALMBH and your new class. I can't comment on your teaching as I have not yet been able to access the videos(right now, I can't even find the group or anything--high tech I am not!!) What I do know about you is that you write my favorite blog--you post every day, you post your art journal pages every day and you pass along great tips and information. My guess is that you'll turn out to be one of my favorite teachers--what comes through so clearly in your blog is how much you care about your art and your students. The perfect recipe for a great teacher!! Pls help me get back into ALMBH--my e-mail is cathrynanne1952@aol.com. I am really looking forward to your new class!!
Cathy Graves said…
P.S. I tried to leave my comment on the other day but Blogger would not let me!! I would have expected more people to weigh-in on the classes they have taken. I would also like to mention one more person who has taught me alot--Michelle Ward!! I have never taken a class but there is a ton of technique information on her GPP Street Team Crusades website. Just look back through all the past Crusades!! There is a gold mine for newbies and for seasoned art journalers a solid review of some basics!!
Kelly Kilmer said…
Cathy, I've emailed you privately.

There were many more comments but shortly after I posted this, blogger went kaputz for about 30 hours. I had a bunch of comments and when blogger came back up they had all disappeared. Frustrating. No one could post anything for over 24 hours.

People raved about Juliana, Carla, Mary Ann, Suzi, Pam and (very gratefully) my classes.

I will leave this post open (as I do all of them) so people can continue to leave comments as they like.