10 January 2011 Journal Page

I've been blog hopping today. Several posters (especially From Japan With Love) got me thinking today.

How do you celebrate being alive?

I'm not talking about birthday cakes and presents, but little things, the simple every day things that make us human. What makes you pause and smile? What makes you laugh or cry? What one small thing happened today that made you pause?

Food for thought and something I'm going to expand upon and explore in my journal.


beth said…
hi stranger....i just wanted to drop in with a big hellooooo.....how are you :)
donna!ee said…
excellent daily prompt...approach all with gratitude! :)
Sarah said…
Two 6 year olds...One little girl helping her petrified friend in the swimming pool..."Go on Elly you can do it, just do big kicks so the water goes spladoooosh..." Precious!
Arika said…
I did a page in a similar vein just last night! I love the song "You're all I Have" by Snow Patrol, and I used the part of the lyrics that goes "Give me something to hold onto" as a jumping off point for the page. I journaled about the things I "hold onto" during tough times.

Among the list- the sound of rain on the rooftop, conversations with my son, Thursday night kirtan, iced hazelnut lattes. The little things that make me happy. Sometimes the little things are the BIG things!
laurie said…
i love time... free time to expand in. it is so precious and rare. and i love your new class - i can't wait til i have the time to make myself a journal and follow all your fabulous tips!
Seth said…
Thought provoking post Kelly. Thanks for the reminders to think about these things.
Sandy said…
my family makes me smile all the time. It's been hard the last two days because my son is hurting and won't tell me why. Eventually he will and we'll talk about it and he'll move on. Until then I smile just because I got the gift of another day.
Raine said…
I made my hubby laugh at dinner tonight. I love making him laugh because he simply smiled and nodded at something funny when we first met. I used to tease him by telling people that he laughed so hard he almost made a noise! ;-) So I love the sound of his laughter.
ooh, different questions, i'll anser celebrating life...

i was going to say by creating, because that's certainly a type of celebrating of my soul urges. but really, i would have to say i celebrate life by slowing down. breathing, mindfulness, taking time to actually take in the moments.
smokeysmom said…
Excellent journaling prompt, Kelly. I'm going to use this prompt at ATCSFORALL.com Art Journal-ers thread. You'll be credited of course and I'll be recommending your blog site:) Hugs, Maggie
sharon said…
Nature...it is so wonderful and powerful! I could watch birds and look at flowers all day!
Anonymous said…
Observing joy in children helps me to focus on creating opportunities for joyful scenarios in my adult life.today my daughter's teammate scored a goal and and she charged her with a huge congratulatory hug. Then another pal jumped on my daughter's back and she carried her across the field, gigglingand squealing. That joy of camaraderie is unique and fulfilling. Love watching it, love participating in it.
rosiecatreading said…
sam aka sheila sabatino said…
kelly--Wednesday i almost died--today---May 22, 2011--i am alive to hear the cheery birthday jingles from my loved and loving 2 daughters, their husbands, and the 3 magical grandchildren they have presented to me...

the love of my life, my husband, Mark, has given me the most love i have ever felt from a man--the other night, i felt his tears of sorrow running down my cheeks that i might leave him forever--today i feel his tears of joy that we'll be together for years to come...Your Lover-your Mom and your Granny