Questions for My Blog Readers

I've been busy this week juggling several different projects and ideas. I am hoping to list at least 11 new journals on my blog sometime next week. I will give a heads up as soon as I know when they're ready.

I'm working on my latest online class. My question to you is would you rather have a lower priced class with written/illustrated handouts that include photographs or would you rather pay more for a class that included videos? I like to keep my class prices reasonable for my students and yet still be able to offer a great value! Thank you for your time. You can leave a comment below or email me privately at


Jeannine said…
Since my workspace and my computer are in different rooms (and I don't have a cute web phone or ipad), I really appreciate class material that I can print out and take with me. It's nice not to be chained to the computer to watch the videos. If no videos mean more economical pricing, that's just extra! :)
Anonymous said…
I would rather pay more and have a class with videos because this is how I pick up the techniques the best. I need to actually see/watch the technique being done. Thanks.
LuLu said…
Videos. Thanks for polling us.

laurie said…
i might have adhd but i like videos that aren't more than ten minutes long. however, i would take any class from you, knowing it would be worth my time and money! :-)
Hagit said…
I personally don't like videos. I never have the patience to watch them and follow all the talking and explainign :-) I prefer to read, and the pictures do the job wonderfully, so I always prefer something I can see on the screen or print.THANKS!
Kelly Kilmer said…
What if it was say, $25 for a well written pdf with illustrations and photos vs $50 for above + short videos?
I am leaning towards the less expensive class...but want to know what people are interested in. :)

Thanks, everyone!! I really do appreciate it.
Mouseybrat said…
i prefer written instructions and definitely prefer the lower price
Anonymous said…
I am videoed out personally ... I would take the written instructions at a lower price! I know if I have questions, you will answer them for me, :)
Of course it depends on the type of class ... if it is a lot of different techniques then a video might be nice. But I still prefer pdf really.
Amy said…
Hi Kelly,
For sure the $25 class - way more doable, especially in this economy. I like to look at still pictures more (as long as there are good step-outs and close ups). Videos go so fast it's harder to absorb what you are looking at. I guess it also depends on what you are teaching. If it's tons of technique that translates better with video, well, then video! If it's tips and how-tos and variations on a theme, then, I think the PDF is fine. Also, maybe if you do a PDF class, you could do a little Picasa album like you do with your other stuff, maybe accessed with a password. That way a person can view the photos quickly.
donna!ee said…
i do better with the written pdf and photos. that way i can print and review step by step ... AND $25 is more within my budget these days! thank you much! :)
Joyce said…
Hi Kelly, I've taken one of your classes and you explain things so well on PDF's that you really don't seem to need videos.
Just please keep offering us these great classes.

Deb said…
I vote for less expensive with printables rather than videos. Thanks!
Mary Dean said…
Hi Kelly,

I like videos for some things, like bookbinding. Otherwise, it doesn't really matter. As someone else said, I would take any class from you! I appreciate your trying to keep costs down.
Cathy Graves said…
I prefer to learn through videos at any length. The more complicated the technique or project the better job videos do in demonstrating. I would rather pay more for a class and be guaranteed a quality learning experience--I am a visual learner. Thanks for asking!!
Laura T. said…
I'd vote for handouts bc they're more portable (print and keep in a file or to take with you is always a nice option. Your handouts are always packed full of easy-to-understand information.
Desert Mermaid said…
All about the PDFs/written material. The lower price is a plus -- can take MORE of your classes that way -- your explanations are thorough and completely comprehensive.

(but it's also NICE to see your face, so howz 'bout a short howdy-doody video for those who sign up?!)

Toni B.
Having taken several online classes, and having a fair bit of textile and craft experience, I don't really think videos are essential unless you are introducing something new and technically tricky where your students really HAVE to see your hands doing the magic, or unless you are teaching very nervous total beginners. They do also give a more personal impression of the teacher, which can be fun, but honestly I think you would be better off saving yourself the work and offering a course which more students would find affordable.
julie said…
Thank you for asking what we thought. I like videos. However, as someone else said, your directions are well written. The lower cost is definitely a plus.
I am in agreement with Amy. Videos for multiple/difficult techniques. Otherwise, pdf is fine.
smokeysmom said…
Keep the videos. As a visual artist, I always prefer to watch the techniques via video. Thanks for asking:)
Emie58 said…
I also vote for the class without videos... I LOVED your An "Artist Journal.. 365 An Art E-Book".
Raine said…
Better late than never?!?!?

I prefer PDFs that I can take up to my studio with me. One of the reasons I never worry about that with you is that if I don't understand something you are easily reached for questions and you always get back to me with answers. You are always readily available and that makes a world of difference.
Debbie said…
I'm old school & prefer something I can read & print out...and refer to in my videos. The lower price is a plus since it's a struggle out here economically. My computer is in another room, so while videos are nice, to me they are not essential.
LuLu said…
I would pay for the video.

Did you know that you can create an official poll too in Blogger? It's one of the widgets under Design...

cookievf said…
very cool that you're asking us for input, kelly! As much as i loooove videos ~ I appreciate the lower cost option.
- vicki (newest "tape girl") xo