On My Bookshelf

I have been a busy bee all day. I haven't had time for anything other than prep work for my Frenzy Stamper classes.

A little known fact about the life of an art teacher is that it involves tons of prep work in addition to the actual classes themselves. There are ideas to come up with, samples to be made, handouts to be written, supplies to be gathered, bought and prepped, things to be packed. It is an exciting, busy life and one that constantly keeps you asking, "What if?" The reward is seeing what your students do with the ideas you share in class.

A quick peek at what I'm reading this week:

Work/Life 2: The Uppercase Directory of Illustration published by the folks at Uppercase magazine

Mary Oliver New and Selected Poems Volume One

Nausea by Jean-Paul Sartre

What's on your nightstand keeping you up into the wee hours?


Tracie said…
"Learning by Heart" by Sister Corita Kent
AND "Cleopatra" by Stacy Schiff! Loving them both
Teresa said…
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo!