22 February 2011 Journal Page

I've managed to get several things done today (yay!) including

-sending jpegs to my East Coast stores for my summer workshops (MA and NYC, here I come!)

-I've also updated my class schedule for May-August here.

-HUGE thanks to all of you who bought a journal and stopped by to check them out!

I also accomplished some random other stuff. I don't like when my To Do list starts looming over my head like a dark cloud. It's nice to be able to check things off!

I'm working on my next online class. I am hoping to be able to announce it within the next week. I am super excited about it and can't wait to see how my students translate the ideas (always the best part of teaching)!

Ohhh, I can't wait for this book to come out. Super excited about it!

I also loved this Etsy Handmade Portraits: Yokoo. Lovely.


sharon said…
I just sigh when I visit your blog! My heart palpitates, and I get such a rush looking at your creations! I feel I need to do this, but I don't know which class to pick...words are really a weak point of my art. Now you say a new class!! I'll wait a few more days!
Also love the links you set up....thanks for sharing.
Again, your work is so inspiring!
Evelin said…
Kelly, I love love love your art work & inspirations! I know I don't comment much but I do drop by each time you have a new post :)

Can't wait for your online class. Hope to join the next one :)

Lotsa love from Malaysia :)
Kelly Kilmer said…
Hi Sharon,

Thanks for the kind words!!

You can always email me about the classes. I strive to make them all different and have lots of students who take all of them.

Get out your journal and have fun! :)
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thanks, Evelin! You rock! Love back from the States! :)
Emie58 said…
Love this journal page.... the flower is really neat... thanks for the inspiration links.... I look forward to them!
Jean said…
Hi Kelly - I *think* I bought your last two journals, but it looks like the Cart is still available. They are both beautiful. If someone already purchased them, we can work something out.

Thanks for all you do and all the teaching you do here on the site. I can't wait for your next class!
martha brown said…
I also can't wait for Tif's book to come out!