WIP Journal Page

I started this page last night. Haven't finished it yet but love playing with the layers. It really is all about 'what if' and playing around.

I'm a busy bee at the moment. Prepping like a madwoman for my Frenzy Stamper classes next weekend in Scottsdale. I'm also teaching tomorrow (Fri, April 1st) at Zinnia in So Pasadena from 11:30-3:30. There's still room in the class! (The store is open until 6 tonight, but you can always email me)!


Fingers crossed that the apartment stuff is almost all done. They are doing a second coat to our stairs and walkways tomorrow. That means I have to leave 2 hours earlier for class. Still thinking of what I can do at 9 a.m. Morning person, I am not. Me thinks it will involve either taking a nap in my car, journaling or a little bit of both!


Laura said…
I love the layering of your journal pages. Have a fab time at the class and I hope your apartment is finished soon xxx
Tricia said…
You continue to show me that the possibilities are endless....and that's a beautifil thing. Thanks for sharing your art. Have a good weekend.

p.s. naps are good!
Judy Shea said…
THAT Zinnia! What a delicious place.. Wish we had one here.
jane eileen said…
Jeane's mom said...
I ABSOLUTELY must see thenext page when it is done.