Shelf Love

Yeah. I'm weird. I know it. Husband started it. I never knew anyone who kept their books under wraps until I met him. Now all of my books are wrapped up, especially the ones on this book case since they are right by the window and the area gets dusty and dirty very quickly. Dirty as in covered in L.A. black dirt that creeps into open windows.
Most of my how to paper/book arts titles are on this shelf. I am still reorganizing my shelves. I'm trying to put all of my book arts titles on one shelf, like Shereen LaPlantz's books (Cover to Cover is the Bible of Bookbinding, by the way), Alisa Golden, Keith Smith, Gwen Diehn, Jason Thompson, etc...
Some of my favorite titles on this shelf are:Good Mail DayDrawing Lab1000 Artist Journal PagesThe Art of Personal ImageryCollage for the SoulCreative ArtistBook + Art
If you like this post, let me know and I'll show you more!


Melissa said…
I wish I could touch them and flip through the pages...
Sandy said…
I love this post. I love seeing other's books and what they get inspiration from. Thanks for sharing.
Carin Winkelman said…
LOL! This reminds of a thing I have so far only seen in American tv-shows: the covering of sofa's and couches with plastic covers to protect the surface. Now you do it with books, haha!

Nice to see we have a lot of books in common even though mine would never be sufficated with plastic (and are dusty a lot for being owned by the worlds worst housecleaner).
kass said…
I love other people's book shelves!
Raine said…
More...MORE!!!! I LOVE seeing what other artists have. I guess I'm a bit of a voyeur!!!
Libby said…
More please
Sharon said…
Bring em on!! Love to see what other people read. Then a trip to Amazon always follows.
Emie58 said…
2 of the books you mentioned are missing from my collection.... so what's a person to do? Why.. go to Amazon and place an order! I was good... I got them both used!
Thanks for contributing to my own obsession. I'm not to the place yet of one book in, one out book out... but I should be!
Jami said…
I always love finding new books! I am now going to search for the one you say is the bible of book binding. Would love to see more.
Becky New said…
Yes! I love all your magazine and book posts. :) Go for it!
Mary Dean said…
Show us more! :)
Joanne said…
I like, I like...and we share alot of the same books! Never thought of covering them, but it makes total sense! Even in Portland we get dust and dirt!
Kristin said…
LOL! Love this. Happy Friday Kelly, xoxo
Kelly Kilmer said…
It's not an "American thing", it's a comic book/book collector thing. Any book store worth it's weight will have valuable titles encased in special plastic bags.

We treat our books with respect.

I'm very particular with the books that I alter. I have my own set of rules that I abide by. :)
scj said…
Kelly I love all your 'information' posts like the pens, tape and mediums and I love this book post as well as the magazine one. The problem is it makes me want to go out and get a whole bunch of stuff!!! But I do have a birthday coming up......
Tricia said…
Show us more! LOL
I did get my hands on "Stlye Diaries" that you recommended. Loved it read it in one night and the pictures are awesome! Thanks for turning me onto new books!
SHOW MORE - can't get enough books!
Margie said…
You are a busy gal! I always enjoy your recommendations. Have a fab weekend Kelly!
valerie said…
I would like to see more too...
Marylinn Kelly said…
I have to confess, I never thought about covering the books as protection against the LA black dirt (you are not kidding) that comes from nowhere and covers everything.

It is informative, seeing your sources of inspiration, learning titles I don't know. More would be great. Thanks.
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