Finished WIP journal pages

Here are the finished pages that I posted the other day. I have a whole journal that I want to post. I am enjoying blogging from my phone at the moment! I promise I will post the journal from last month asap!

Life is quiet but busy lately. I've been planning and prepping classes. In between that and everything else I've been finding time to bake a few yummy goodies. Someone posted a recipe for tomato pie that I would love to try. I made cinnamon sugar pull apart bread that was delicious. It took 3 hours of prep time (plus time spent overnight in the fridge) and it was all gone in 10 minutes. People say, "nom nom nom" is obnoxious (okay, my sister tells me it is), but I swear that's how the boys sounded as they devoured it.

Here's the recipe I used:

The pages above were started in some of my recent classes. I always work alongside students as I teach. It helps me to demonstrate as well as giving the students a chance to see how I process and fix things as I go. I also like to show how moving items around the page in even the most slightest of ways can change the entire look and feel. A lot of people tend to plop their focal in or near the middle. Every time you approach a page try asking yourself what one thing can I attempt to do different this time? See what happens.


Sharyn said…
Hello my friend
Love seeing all the brights in your pages
Excited to read of your upcoming visit. Dates???

Love from me
Heather K Ross said…
Love this!!! VERY inspiring!!!
Romilly said…
Heh. Om nom nom. Not so obnoxious to me, but then again, I fell in love with this: