The Finished Pages

I've been reworking my pages in this journal in a way that I don't normally work. Usually, I finish a page and move on. I've been going back to the pages in my current journal, re-thinking and re-working them. Why? Because I can and really because I wanted to try something new. I figure what the hell, it's my journal so why not? I don't love every page but I love the process and the way it's making me think!

Speaking of journaling, my friend, Lori has created a journal club in No CO. You can find out more by going to her blog here:

It looks like fun! There's a huge artsy community North of Denver (like my friends at the Artists Nook). I'm really looking forward to trekking there this July!


Connie Lutz said…
Great idea - I have a few things I'd like to go back over. Need to just go ahead and do it.
Ati said…
Hi, I have to say that I like the new 'overdone'pages much better!
Emie58 said…
I love to see your pages in stages... it lets me peak into your thought process a bit.
Thanks for sharing....
Lori Wostl said…
Thanks Kelly - hope to make it to your classes at Artist Nook in July!
Tammie Moore said…
Hey girl, I've been ready your blog too. My email is Been dieing to come to one of your classes, hopefully soon. My boys keep me busy and on my toes, ya know they are over 6 feet tall now even the 14 year old. Miss hanging with creative people and miss you. We NEED to get together soon. otay? hugs Tammie