Tucked in a corner of Zinnia's classroom in So Pasadena...

I love the idea of collage layers on the wall with an added tree branch, for good measure.



Sandy said…
very cool corner.
Emie58 said…
Are the papers glued to the wall? Is it stagnant or do they add/subtract from it? That's a really neat idea and I wish I had the nerve to do something like that in my studio....
diane.ca said…
Thank you Kelly for a wonderful class at Zinnia's. We had a great time. If you would like to see some of the photo's taken here is a link to my blog.
Barbara Hagerty said…
Love it! Looks like Amy's room! All her walls are collaged and she has a branch in a corner, hanging down from the ceiling, that she hangs origami cranes from.
The images are taped to each other and to the wall.... I like the tape because I can change some of the picture when I want.... Part of the room has a seasonal area... We love the wall at Zinnia... it is a great place to go when your feeling stuck.... We would love to have anyone come and visit our space of Contagious Creativity...