A redhead walks into a scrapbook store...

Said redhead buys all of this red, pink, gold, silver, black, white, and cream paper.

Woman at the register says, "Wow! Your wedding album is going to be gorgeous."

Redhead is confused. Says, "I'm not making a wedding album."

Clerk, "Oh. What are you going to do with all of this stuff?"

"Cut it up and put it in my journal.", smiles the redhead.

You see, dear reader, this is the time of year when pink is in abundance and the crazy redhead can't help herself. Valentine's Day is a goofy holiday, but the stuff is fun!


Sandy said…
lol, I love all of the Valentine's Day colors too.
Raine said…
I'm like that with Halloween! I stock up on my witchy stuff!!!
Nicole Austin said…
i love valentines and the pink/red/cream combos! i am always sad to see february come to an end...but then there's always spring/easter and the fun jellybean color schemes!