My Current Favorite Magazines

I promised you a follow up to this post, and here it is.

I hope that no one took my post as an assault on the artists or their artwork. I don't care if you use wings, hats, birds, or whatever in your work if that's what you want to do and it's what makes you happy. I wasn't picking on the artwork, but on the publisher itself and what they choose (or rather don't choose) to publish. There's so many amazing artists and different styles out there, it would be nice to spice it up with some variety.

My other big gripe is the lack of respect shown to artists in our field. Why is it that (for the most part) an artist can only publish a book on book arts, collage and the like only if it's published as a how to book? Sure, technique matters and is important but that's not the only thing that should matter. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm not interested in the how but in the why. Why do you want to make art? What calls you to it? What inspires you? Who inspires you? What is it about this particular art form that calls to you above any other? Why can't people ask serious questions (you know I'm not talking about someone like Ricë Freeman-Zachery as she does ask the serious, GOOD questions) that give a nod of respect to the artist? It goes along with the idea that we are just crafters and don't deserve the name/label artist and what recognition and respect it brings. You know yourself damn well that we do.

No one would only ask someone like Rauschenberg, Truffaut, or Galeano questions only about the techniques they used to create their work but more importantly, they would ask them why and what made them passionate about the work they created.

Why shouldn't our art treated the same way?

My two cents.


Here are the magazines that I have been buying on a regular basis and my commentary on each:

Anthology: Living With Substance and Style

I searched high and low for this magazine and finally found it at Anthropologie at the Grove. Score! I also subscribed online (starting with issue 2). I think what I like most about the magazine (besides the high quality look and feel of the issue) is the subject matter: life in all forms, many stages and different ways that people approach it. It's not solely an art, style or fashion magazine. It's interesting. It's inspiring. It doesn't make me wish that I lived in someone else's home but rather gives me ideas for things that I can do to my own home and a different approach to or way of seeing my own life. I can't wait for the second issue!

See a sneak peek of issue one here.

Oh Comely
Oh Comely, you had me at hello.

I saw you on the newsstands (Centerfolds on Fairfax) for the very first time on New Years Day, 2011. You jumped off the shelf at me and into my hot little hands (how could you not with a cover like the one above). I bought you because of your images that I thought I would cut up and collage with. Later when I started reading you, I smiled with delight. Me? Cut you up? Oh no, dear one. You are a gem and one that I will be revisiting for many years to come. I love you so much that I subscribed. I'm looking for a copy of your second issue as well. I just purchased issue four at the local newsstand. I couldn't wait.

Seriously in love,


Let's put it this way, if Uppercase publishes it, I buy it. Plain and simple. I. Love. This. Publisher. I own every book that they've ever published. I've bought book bundles of books that I haven't even seen yet knowing that they will be amazing. I've been a subscriber to Uppercase since they announced it.

Uppercase is my favorite art magazine, my favorite living magazine, my favorite inspirational magazine, my favorite everything magazine. If I could only subscribe to one magazine, this would be it. Why? Because this magazine talks about anything and everything. They have articles on artists (undiscovered and old favorites) to odd things that I never thought were interesting or even worth thinking about, let alone reading, until I read about them in Uppercase. Really? Axes? Who would have thought that you could get me to read about axes or, hell, shaving? Seriously? Seriously. I love this magazine. Janine posts a preview tease for each issue. This really is the most inspirational magazine around right now. They also have one of the most amazing blogs on the planet. I'm eagerly awaiting the next issue.


Other guilty favorites:
MaryJane's Farm
I'm not a farm girl but I love, savor and keep every issue of MaryJane's Farm. She lives a life that is one of my many dream lives.



Oh dear, Selvedge, your former price tag would induce me into sticker shock. I would purchase an issue here and there and treat each volume like it was a precious new book, instead of a magazine. Your color, your quality, your depth. I love your new price tag much more. I buy your magazines to relish and treasure.


I hope that you've enjoyed this post. I'd love to hear what magazines inspire you and what you are buying to read, savor and enjoy!


nellmorningstar said…
Thanks so much for sharing your favs Kelly. I agree completely with you on Selvedge, I used to go in an leaf through each issue at the bookstore, and often walk away without it, the price was just a bit too high. Now, with their lower price, I feel I can justify buying it more frequently. And it is so beautiful! I am looking forward to searching out the magazines you mentioned that I am less familiar with. What fun!
Michelle Remy said…
Hi Kelly!
Longtime reader here, first time commenter...the magazines you featured look fabulous! You've mentioned (and I've investigated) Uppercase before but I've always had to shy away because of the price...I may have to give in! lol

And speaking to the topic of "why" I journal, I feel like I do that a lot on my blog but it seems readers are most often looking for the "how." Hmmm...anyway, here's a link to something I published at my blog on this very topic...

Thank you for all the commentary & inspiration! - Michelle
donna!ee said…
seriously kelly, i THANK YOU MUCH for sharing & exposing me to so much substance & style that i would not otherwise be exposed's all good & challenging & inspiring!
you are greatly appreciated... :)
leAnne said…
For starters it was nice to hear a post with some passion and opinion. I do feel a bit compelled to comment although not sure where it will lead. I recently commented on Tim Holtz Youtube channel asking him to see a bigger picture here and It relates to what your talking about. Is
Tims eye for mass producing those once unique images and treasures responsible for the confusion we are having drawing that clear line between Art and Craft? In other words none of us are ever going to get the "Art credit" if we are buying prefab stencils, stamps, paper patterns, masks and pre mixed color. They may be old rules but its just not that clever or pain stacking to mix all this media.As much as we may not want to admit this industry is looking all alike to me and we are just not aware how much subliminal copying we do. I believe Art is still Concept based. Craft is Technique. Im very interested in blurring these two but thinking Im coming from an Art background Im at least conscious of over loading an art piece with too much technique and not enough connective, multileveled, universal contextualizing. Also keep in mind there are thousands of Art Schools birthing Picasso's by the millions and non of them art getting credit either. I here your rant and appreciate your voice...doing what you do seems to be bridging the gap between art and craft but these transitions take time. In Art Education there is a movement respecting craft as valid form of Art...believe it or not...
Margie said…
Good grief! To hell with mine, I'm going out to find yours!!!
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thanks for commenting!

My bottom line answer on defining art vs. 'craft' ( craft as in hobby, not craftsmanship) is crafting is something that you do to keep busy. Art is something that you do because you have to, it's like breathing.
Anonymous said…
Selvedge has a lower price now?

Oh, I go...
aimee said…
i adore uppercase and selvedge but i've never heard of anthology, mary jane's farm OR oh comely! can't wait to check them out! there's also a darling lifestyle magazine called boho that i found at our little local grocery store -- it's a mix of art, culture and fashion - for a rather young-ish/sunny/optimistic crowd but the illustrations and page layouts totally sucked me in. i also love raw vision... not new, but always fresh.

by the way, i think it's great that you stuck yourself out there with your opinion in the last post! if artists themselves can't push the boundaries and encourage new ways of thinking about the art world, who can?!
Sarah said…
Very interesting! Resisit resist I am thinking but am not feeling it! I have a couple of treasured copies of Selvedge but have not seen the others-apart from Uppercase which I have heard of. Perhaps I will try to get hold of one! I love World of Interiors and have been buying it for years. It is beautiful and so informative on art and artists as well as amazing interiors. the articles always contain a picture of the person who lives or lived in the house, so much more than some interiors magazines. I love another mag called Country Living-like you it is feeding my fantasy life-where I live in the country, am of independent means and can just make art, read, walk etc!
Sandy said…
I love all of these but I've never tried Anthology. I'll have to look for that one now. ;)
Paula said…
Lots of new mags to investigate! I am loving these posts, so much to think about. Posted a response on my own blog...I had way too much to say!
martha brown said…
I just bought my first issue of Oh, Comely last week! I wish that the price os Selvedge would come down here. It's still 24.95! It drives me crazy to see the 14.95 US price tag. I'm still trying to find Anthologie, although it says on the website that the only place that it's available in Canada is at the Drake which is, oh, about a 4 minute walk away! I keep checking for it, Let me know when you see the new issue!
terri k said…
Thanks for the info on the magazines. I can remember when Selvedge used to be $25 an issue! I was so happy to see that it is now down to $14. Still pricey, but worth it! And I subbed to Anthology without even seeing an issue. I loved the first issue and can't wait for more.
Many thanks for turning me onto Comely. Not only is it an amazing magazine, but a spin on their blog made me aware of Chicago street photographer Vivan Maier whose work blows me away. In fact, there's an exhibit going on through April 3 a the Chicago Cultural Center -- a perfect excuse for a reunion with old friends in the Midwest. Talk about serendipity! Many thanks, Kelly!
PoetC7 said…
I love-love-love Selvedge! Never heard of the others, but am now on the hunt! And, yes! Yes! Yes! I'd like to know what motivates and inspires the art that I like looking at! Where do the ideas come from? I'm always curious about that aspect, and it's usually overlooked in the magazines I read. Okay. Enough now. Off to Barnes & Noble!