Anyone want to help me unpack from the weekend?

This is only half of what I brought with me to Arizona...

Home to new windows (that hopefully will look better once they fix the broken panes outside), a 'new' door that you have to slam shut to close and piles of stuff everywhere (David and Tristan had to move stuff around so they could do the windows).

Did I mention that my family is coming to visit on Saturday?


Sandy said…
I would love to come help. I love seeing what people buy at other stores. Glad the windows got done. You're family will be happy to see you, they won't care about how your apt. looks.
i will gladly help you only if we play together with our journals and drink some tea, tooo?
i will bring the cookies!!!
and some more supplies ;-)
Romilly said…
Helping you unpack sounds like a blast, Kelly! You've got so many cool toys in those bags... *grin*

Of course, they might get played with instead of put away...
Margie said…
Good grief! Breathe Kelly!
Marissa said…
If you squint, your photo reminds me of an abstract painting. Maybe I've been hanging out with the kinders too much...