Thinking out loud...

Things have been crazy here lately with all of the apartment stuff going on. We're being told that sometime this week, they're going to replace all of our windows. I have been cleaning and rearranging things like crazy.

I have blog posts set up through Wednesday with lots of blog love. I may take a mini break from my 4 a.m. posting and regular blog love to post several short blog posts throughout the day. These posts would be of photographs of things around my home (like what you see here) that I find interesting and that I think (hope) you may enjoy. These are images that you can save, keep and print out for personal use as much as you want.

What do you think?

Is there anything special that you would like to see? Shots of pens, books, etc...? Anything that you, the blog reader, would like me to focus on?



Margie said…
Cool shot Kelly! I'm surenyou will find many things to share with us. Will look forward to it!
Barbara Hagerty said…
So far, I like every subject you've ever posted about. I don't know what I'd like to see more of. I love your book lists, reviews, cover pics and ideas. Except that it makes me hungry to by more books...LOL I love pics of your pages, pics of your art, blog posts with thoughtful insights and no pics...It's all good.

I had no idea (how would I..) that you get up at 4am to make blog posts. I did that years ago when I was posting to a blog in the UK, then started writing in advance and scheduling posts. I experienced some burn-out, and rebelled by posting just whenever I felt like it. Now I'm trying out M-F. Finding what works, then revising it between my schedule and the changing habits of the web. It all evolves.

Your posts always hold my interest, so it's hard for me to suggest what to keep, what to change, what to add. In my opinion, it's all good. I tend to go to blogs because they're different from each other, not because they're the same. I like the variety, not the comfortable chair.
Melissa said…
sounds fun
Taylor schapiro said…
Yes, lets see your big bowl and all the things you have baked with it.
Raine said…
Thanks for sharing your space with us! I'd love to see some of your special places. Where you usually work in your journal; art supply storage; any funky and fun spaces! In other words...anything! I'm nosy!!!!!
Desert Mermaid said…
Kelly ... while I enjoy your 'blog love' links, it's your journal pages that bring me here, day after day after day ... so howz 'bout a whole post of luscious journal pages, pages of/from yore, even? special pages to you, special photos or images that YOU love, something like that? just a whole LONG blog of nothing but Kelly pages. WOOT!

Toni Brown
Anonymous said…
I love all of your posts, so it doesnt matter to me just keep em coming and I will continue to be inspired to carve out time for me to create. Went into Stampin yesterday to use my coupon that was issued in the Unfold class of 1/9 and was soo pleased to see they are carrying some Hambley stuff. Yeah thanks for pushing for that!!
laurie said…
where do you keep/store all your wonderful collage images?!? i hope your home gets back to normal soon.
Unknown said…
Kelly, I really like seeing your art supplies and books and especially love the pictures of your journals. I am curious how you store or display your journals. I would like to see that. Thanks!