An Artist's Journal: 365

I'm super excited to announce the news! I have taken one of my most popular classes, An Artist's Journal and totally revised and added to it. It's a workshop that I taught many times all over the U.S. I brought it back and revised it each time I taught it. Well, this is the largest revision that I have ever done! The handout used to be 19 pages, 237 exercises. Not anymore! I've reworked it completely! It's a NEW class! Presenting...

An Artist's Journal: 365
an Art E-Book (Arty book) Course

-365 Prompts

50 pages

What's in those 50 pages?

-Creativity, art, journal, painting, collage prompts and MORE! There are 365 techniques and ideas. One for each day of the year! I have to confess, the ideas in the handout got ME excited. I lost sleep as I was eager to start working in my art journal!!

There are also ideas on getting started, ideas on getting unblocked, tons of book recommendations (two pages of my favorite inspirational/creativity books), and MORE. I have made this a handout that should appeal to any artist: beginner to advanced! I've been making art all of my life and I'm super excited by the ideas in it!

Are there directions on how to make a journal?

Yes! As a little bonus, I've included the original two page journal making handout that came with the original class.

Are there any photos?

No. In an effort to keep the class price affordable, there are no photos in the handout BUT the handout is jam PACKED with 50 pages of information! A whole year's worth (365 days) of prompts!

Can I use the exercises in other forms of art beyond journal keeping?

YES! I always like to have my classes be multi-functional! You can take the ideas and use them to spark any art project!

Will you ever teach this class again in person?

No. I have officially retired the class and will offer it here in e-book form only. This will be your only chance to acquire the fully revised, new handout.

Is there a place where we can see what others do with the class ideas?

YES! I've also created an unbelievably super easy way to share photos. No flickr site. No facebook site. I'll send you more information on that when you sign up. This photo site will remain up and accessible to all students whenever they sign up! It is unbelievably super easy. No password needed. You will love it!

What will you receive when you sign up?

Within 24 hours, you will receive a pdf file that contains the 50 page class handout, An Artist's Journal: 365. You will also receive an email from me that contains information on how to view and share (optional) photos to the group's photo site.

When can I sign up?

Any time. This a work at your own pace class.

How much does it cost?

I'm offering the class now at a discounted price of $20 which you can pay via paypal (or if you prefer to send me a money order, you can email me for more information).

Please note there are no refunds once you receive the course materials.

Please also respect the amount of time, effort and work it took me to create this material. You can download, save and print out (or read it on your ipad, kindle, etc...) for personal use. I'm a one woman (very small) business and I work very hard at what I do. I strive to offer the best material possible. I'm always excited about what I teach and I hope that you get the most out of my classes. This helps to support my work and makes me able to offer more classes and come up new ideas!

If you teach children, feel free to work on the exercises with them! I don't mind people who teach kids using these ideas in classes! Get 'em started and hooked on art young is my motto!

Can I give the class as a gift?

Sure! If you email me or include a note with your payment, I will email the file to whomever you'd like.

How do I sign up?

Click the paypal button below or email me at more more info!

This workshop is now RETIRED.
If you're interested in my NEW workshops, please visit this link.
As always, thanks for your interest and support.


aka: eye-poppers said…
Kelly, you really do a great job with your classes. I took two of them some five years ago at Little Bizaar. Maybe that long ago. Anyway, I really enjoyed them both and I might just have to sign up for a refresher course.
Raine said…
I can guarantee...this will be the best $20 you will EVER spend! Kelly's classes are phenomenal. ...and I swear...she doesn't even have to pay me to say this!!! ;)
Barb Smith said…
Things are very tight right now but I will definitely be buying this class from you in a few days. Sounds very awesome!
Peace & Love,
Connie Lutz said…
I'm excited you'll be coming back to Fremont (when I can be in town!) Just signed up for this class to kick my behind in gear!
gail said…
I'm so excited I just signd up for this class........hope I pass the class :)
Shona Cole said…
That class sounds very exciting!
I added your blog to the collage-making directory. Thank you for being a part of it.
Barbara Hagerty said…
Done! Can't wait to get the class materials!
Barbara Hagerty said…
Kelly!!! You have outdone yourself, if that is even possible! To say I *love* the Pdf. is an understatement!

I've spent a lifetime taking art notes. Your Pdf. has organized and compiled a lot of the ideas and information that I have kept here and there over the years, and added so much more, and included so many new things that I had not thought of or heard before, and put it all together in a thoroughly organized and enjoyable format.

I'm so glad I signed up for this! I intend to print out the Pdf, punch holes and put the pages in a 3-ring binder, add some tabs for easy reference, and add blank sheets of paper to each section for my own notes and annotations.

I think this may just become my favorite piece of art reference material! You ROCK!
Sparkleblue Faery said…
I signed up. I love your work. $20 is also a great price! One day, I'm going to have money at the exact same time you are in Northern California, and I will take an in person class, but until then, this will do!
Kristin Wilkinson said…
Just signed up! You do a great job giving us what we need to keep our creative souls well fed!!!!
Anonymous said…
kelly put 365 great prompts together in the file. i like her prompts and always pick what suits me best! i bought the workshop also for a gift as a friend and if you are a newbie to journaling, i recommend you get a Life Made by Hand. it's got all the jump starts for backgrounds and designs a journaling novice needs.
Unknown said…
Never taken one of your classes before and I doubt I'll ever get the chance to do one in person as I'm in the UK. Loving your blog and I also have some books you're featured in. I love your style of art and would love to learn some more. Just signed up. Can't wait! :)
Anonymous said…
I just bought An "Artist's Journal: 365" and cannot wait to start, Kelly, I have taken your class in Fort Collins two times and I am hoping to be there this July on Friday AND Saturday AND Sunday. I love your classes and your art/journal/work!