31 October 2010 journal page
Trekking today to Stampin' From The Heart. I'm teaching my collage class from 11:30-3:30. I'll have extra handouts and stuff on hand for any last minute sign ups. I can't wait!! I LOVE this class (and you will, too)! This is the last time I have it on the schedule for So CA in 2010/early 2011. I have tons of new classes that I am planning on debuting next year.
Day two of the HVAC (heating/air conditioning) installation. They won't be done until next week (I HOPE) and even then, there will be stuff piled up for days. They still have to put a fan in the bedroom, paint the walls that they worked on, and then remove the old heater. They also will be coming back to install new windows in the entire building. That translates to MORE moving stuff and piles everywhere. It's the worst time of year to be doing this. I can't wait to put up my Christmas tree and RELAX. David and Tristan hung out in the bedroom yesterday (as no one was in there) and I was on the futon in the dining room area. It's hard to have so many people in such a small apartment at one time.
Things to note-
-They did not cover our apartment "E.T." style like they said they would. I asked several times about it and they said it was fine working in their little "bubble". Well, they totally opened up the wall and who knows what is in there. There is white dust and pieces of wall EVERYWHERE. I am beyond pissed. I was sitting right next to where they were working (on our futon) for EIGHT hours-the entire time they were working and cutting into the wall. We are finding white wall residue everywhere. They are not coming in here today to do any work unless they cover EVERYTHING.
-A worker turned the heat on FULL blast. Luckily, I realized it before anyone left. Ugh ugh!!! We've never even turned the heat on in the 15 years we've been in this apartment. It was at full blast. I couldn't figure out what that burning smell was until I walked by the heater. P.U.! They thought we had turned it on. I asked, "What part of we have NEVER turned our heat on do you not understand?!?"
Yup. That's my sister and I in the bottom right corner of the page. I'm a kitty cat made from a trash bag. Don't ask me what my sister is supposed to be. She doesn't remember either and she's dressed in her pjs. Just remember, I'm the one dressed in a trash bag. I had to wear a trash bag on more than one occasion. I also had to dress up as one of those damn California raisins. I still shudder at the memory.
Blog Love:
Lilla a
Postcards from Dreamland
Linen and Milk
Quiet Girl
Glad to hear the cat made it safely home to Zinnia's.
It doesn't sound like you three will be coming to Mass.for the holidays? Hopefully you will have a visit scheduled next year....
My best, Patq