30 October 2010 journal page

Thank you to those of you who have signed up or expressed an interest in my first e-book! I've put a lot of work into it and I hope that you enjoy it!

I'm scheduled to teach THREE classes Friday-Sunday of this weekend. These are my last classes before Christmas. Art journals and art classes make excellent gifts! Not to mention that art helps to unwind and relax you during stressful times. I'm really looking forward to teaching this weekend and getting out of my apartment. Art weekend-yes!

Blog Love:
Two and Six
A Thing For...
Inspirational Spaces
Butterfly in my hair


Emie58 said…
Kelly... Thank you so much for sending on the eBook so quickly! There is a ton on info there... I truly appreciate the effort that went into this project. On a side note... I never knew about Google doc and I'm really glad to learn how to use it.
Mary E.
Seth said…
The E-Book looks good Kelly. And again...thanks for all the links.