10 November 2010 journal page

A quick reminder, next week I will be teaching my very popular two day Rejuvenations class at Stampin' From The Heart in L.A. I do not have many opportunities in So CA to teach a two day class, so catch it while you can! Questions? Please email me. To sign up, please phone the store at 310-391-0466. I hope to see you there!

Blog Love:
Milliande Art Blog
Simply Photo is simply amazing.
Sugar City Journal
I love Lena Corwin and her publications


Marcia Beckett said…
love your pages! If I were in California, I would like to attend your workshops!
Kristin Wilkinson said…
I hope you won't need a canoe to teach those classes! My friends in SoCal say they're underwater at the moment!!!
Dawn D. Sokol said…
Dearest Kelly,

Will you STOP giving us such great links of various blogs? My blog list is getting HUGE because of you! It's just TOO much!!! ;)

martha brown said…
okay, I just love all of your pages :)