30 September 2010 journal page
Stop the presses! Ginko Papers has NEW tape in!!! ARROW tape and REALLY COOL diary/list making tape. I was SUPER excited about it. I've used all of it already (yeah, I ordered all of it) and clearly it is some of my most favorite tape on the planet. I'll have some pages up soon where I'll show you what I did with it. I. LOVE. IT. Did I tell you that the packaging is super cute too?!?!?
Blog Love:
Buelteman Studio-Robert's photos are breathtaking. The manipulation doesn't involve a computer either! It's all hands on. Truly, truly astounding and quite inspiring!
Vintage Photo Love
DIY Alphabet Contest
Paul spotlights one of my favorite cemeteries
How cool are these? Photo pads!
Portable Mail Art Kit Envy
Journal Page Love
My goofy list of favorite Halloween/horror films.