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26 September 2010 journal page
Did I tell you that I'm already finished with this journal and working in a new journal? I'll finish posting this one before I show you the new one. Though I have been known to post teaser pictures on my facebook and twitter feeds every now and then of new pages, work in progress shots, etc... The new journal is an old journal format revamped. I'm VERY excited about it and the many possibilities it holds... I love revisiting old journal ideas and revamping them.
Heads up! The new Maira Kalman book comes out TOMORROW (Thurs). I will be first in line at the bookstore to buy it!
Blog Love:
More Maira Kalman love
Patty's Gypsy Wagon Teaser (drooling here...I would love to do something like this)
Fausto Fernandez
Fearless at work
Art Journaling tumblr
Skine Art
Banana Bread to bake