20 September 2010 journal page

The page above has a secret. You'll see what I mean soon enough...

Tape, collage stuff, pen work, rub ons, pearl paint pen, journaling...

Blog Love:
The Double Doodle
Heather's blaming me again!
Jim Woodring Interview
Anne Smith
An imperfect Heart
Ghoulish Petits Fours-yum
No Knead Sourdough to make


TwoHeartsPath said…
I love this journal page, can't wait to find out the hidden secret...Such a beautiful page!!!!
Michelle said…
Another great layout! I love your use of yellows and oranges; they are colours I tend to avoid, so you seem so brave to use them!
Heather Simpson-Bluhm said…
because it IS your fault.. just like its your fault I placed that Jet Pens order last night.