7 September 2010 journal pages

Two layered hambly transparencies:
I am very excited to share that I am debuting a new workshop this weekend. I'll be teaching a new pen WORK class at Zinnia on Saturday. This is NOT my pen class...this is a brand new class that several of you have asked about. Let's put it this way, it's as if paper and ink got together and had an ultra cool baby! You can find more info here on these workshop (and future upcoming workshops as well).

I finished the above journal on Saturday. I'm already working in my new journal. I'll be showing you the final pages over the next couple of weeks!

Blog Love:
Heather is having a giveaway!
Barb's working at making her dream a reality.
Top 10 paint resources
Homemade peppermint patties
LOVE these
Global Mala Peace Journal Project
If you are in N.Y. (you are a lucky bastard, indeed!)
If you are in N.Y., maybe you can meet an artist...if you're not in N.Y., you can still click here

Studio peeks


Barb Smith said…
Thank you for mentioning me and "our dream." It's so good to hear how many people that love the idea of going after their dreams. Thanks for sharing it with your audience. You are the best.
Peace & Love Always,