2nd September 2010 journal page

Pull back the Hambly transparency:
Stop the presses! Ginkgo Press has brand new tape that I have yet to see anywhere else!!!! I just ordered a whole bunch and I'm VERY excited about the new designs (and colors). Even FABRIC tape! Woot woot! They are one of my most favorite tape vendors. They are Los Angeles based and their turn around time is amazing. They're a great Mom and Pop Company!

Blog Love:
Aerial shots. AMAZING.
Look what Debbie is blaming me for! I take FULL responsibility. I can't wait to see what goodies she will be stocking for my November classes.
Then scoot over to see what Ginny has...
William Burroughs long last graphic novel coming out at long last.
Stencil Envy
Free Vintage Digital Images
Glenn Moust
New Light
Harpo's Place


donna!ee said…
seriously kelly...you have started a gorgeous tape frenzy in my journals...and i thank you much!! ;)
Cindy Pestka said…
Enquiring minds want to know...what's the difference between Japanese masking tape and other masking tapes?
Kelly Kilmer said…
Quality and design. There is also a plastic type tape that is called deco tape. I use that as well. The tape I spoke about on the blog today is fabric paper type tape. The other type is called washi paper tape. It is my favorite. There are tons of things that you can do with it. I have two whole classes devoted to tape. ;)
Sandy said…
I love your page. I've missed visiting here. I havnen't been on blogger in awhile. I've got to get back to my M&R journal. I've got more supplies and I too have ordered tape all because of you. Thank goodness you post all these links or otherwise I'd have no jounanling goodness. Thanks for doing that.

Off to look at the paper website you linked to.

Hope you're all doing well.
Anonymous said…
I love this page--and I'm looking into the Ginko tapes.