28 August 2010 journal page

It's been a quiet, mellow last few days. We've been keeping somewhat close to the house. Sunday we visited a local farmer's market. Monday, I stayed home in my pjs (yay!) while Mom and Tristan went for a walk. Tuesday, we trekked to Glendale. Tristan wanted to go to the Lego store. We all wanted to go to Porto's (best bakery in So CA, in my opinion).

Blog Love:
If you are in So CA, you must go to this show!
Artgirl Island is full of inspiration (and she posts daily!)
Mary Alyssa Block
I. am. in. love. More here. and here.
Cigar box turned washi tape dispenser
Travel Gift Tags
One of these days, I'd like to take a workshop by this woman!


Anonymous said…
still loving my daily prompt pack Kelly - sort of made a bit of a book and put in our local Art Trail - many thanks - I would not have had the confidence to do that without your help - very grateful -
donna!ee said…
THANK YOU MUCH KELLY for sharing so much blog love...you have linked me to so many wonderful bloggers that i would have never thought to look for...THANK YOU< THANK YOU< THANK YOU ... you are the blog love queen!!! ;)
Raine said…
Super blog post!!!! The art, the links...where do I start?!?!?! Firstly, I love the sentiment you expressed on your journal entry. I have to write that down so I don't forget it...especially when I am in one of my selfish moods.
Your links were extra great today. Miss Mindy is FAB!!! Wishing I lived in CA again. ("wishing" again...not "lived" again...you understand...) The terrarium in a test tube brooch... I might just have to try that one. Washi tape dispenser piece solved one of my problems. I just needed the saw blade cutter idea to get my mind working again on my own dispenser idea. I suppose using an old kitchen wrap dispenser would also work...
See what happens when I blog-hop? And why I check YOUR blog EVERY DAY!!!!
Thanks for the food for thought. Food? I do believe it is time for my Pop Tarts!