26 August 2010 journal page

Blog Love:
Eleanor Taylor
Paper Frenzy in London
Back to School Ideas
Zen in a Basket of Laundry podcasts
Ginny's insightful thoughts on online vs in person workshops
Summer Art
I can't tell you how much I love this skirt at the top left corner of this page...makes me want to learn how to sew and do it myself. :) (alas, we know my sewing skills are reserved for book making!)
The patterns here made my jaw drop. When I stopped to pick it up, it dropped again as I continued to scroll down.

Who wouldn't want this cute scissor necklace?
'til September 10th at midnight, buy a print, get one free!


Taylor schapiro said…
Great links kelly. Thanks so much for trying to keep me up to date.
Hi Kelly,
Thanks for mentioning my blog on yours. So sweet of you. Love reading your blog.
Raine said…
That skirt would be wicked easy to make. Betcha you could do it without a problem. It's just a basic A-line...waistband to hem. Easy peasy! Do you need a sewing lesson? ;)
martha brown said…
There is NO REASON why you couldn't make that skirt. I agree with Raine -- easy peasy.