26 August 2010 journal page
Just a little reminder, if you are interested in my workshops at Art On A Lark in Hillsboro, OR to please sign up before noon on Monday. Thanks!
Blog Love:
Oooh, a new book to keep my eyes open for!
Autumn's Antics
Mark "Bravo, Well Said" Waid on filesharing
Sketchbook Loooooooooove
Finding Inspiration
Expanding Outside of Notebooks
Away for a Few...
This shop looks VERY enticing. Check out the blog, too!
Saturday Morning Vintage is in the classroom!
Cute calendar
A Hint of Yellow
Tomato Peach Salsa
I agree with Sarah. I love the links you share at the ends of your posts, they are always great!
Enjoy your visit with your mom!
Anita ♥
Autumn Clark