26 August 2010 journal page

My Mom is arriving today from Boston. I'm prepping myself for 10 days of being on the go...I will be posting daily though! We're not sure what our plans are yet! Mom doesn't like to sit around on vacation so it'll be a busy time, but it will be fun!

Just a little reminder, if you are interested in my workshops at Art On A Lark in Hillsboro, OR to please sign up before noon on Monday. Thanks!

Blog Love:
Oooh, a new book to keep my eyes open for!
Autumn's Antics
Mark "Bravo, Well Said" Waid on filesharing
Sketchbook Loooooooooove
Finding Inspiration
Expanding Outside of Notebooks
Away for a Few...
This shop looks VERY enticing. Check out the blog, too!
Saturday Morning Vintage is in the classroom!
Cute calendar
A Hint of Yellow
Tomato Peach Salsa


Sarah said…
You have the best links! Every one a winner! Have a fun time with your Mum.
aseknc said…
Beautiful page.
I agree with Sarah. I love the links you share at the ends of your posts, they are always great!

Enjoy your visit with your mom!

Anita ♥
SewPaperPaint said…
Thanks so much for the shout out, Kelly!
Autumn Clark