20 September 2010 journal page

Those of you on the West Coast know how it's been the last few days. I've been getting some work done but trying not to move too much. My butt has pretty much been parked in front of our a/c (which, sadly, doesn't really do the trick when it's above 90 out). I've done an awful lot of reading. I've read three books in the past 4 days:
Bone China
Love Burns
The Days of Abandonment

All Europa Editions books. I love and collect their books. If I see ones I've read on sale for a buck or two at the used bookstores, I buy them and give them away. Love their books.

Blog Love:
The Tears of a Clown (disclaimer, this is my husband's blog)
Kimberly from Trampoline
Messy and Brave-one night only
DIY bath bombs!
Love John Waters. Love.
Interesting, a tv schedule from 1939.
