The summer of too many stamps

Well, really, one can never have too many stamps. It cracked me up to take this picture. As I unpacked, a little voice went through my head, "Rubber stamps are dead. No one buys them anymore." Uh huh. Would you believe that I was told that once by a store owner? They are not dead. Buy them, but don't reorder the same stamps from the same company every time. Order new stamps from new companies, and someone will scoop them up.

The only thing I'm left to ponder is to where to find the space for them. Yes, some of them will be trekking with me to classes!
I prefer to buy wood mounted stamps. It's just me. That being said, if the only way I can buy a stamp is for it to be unmounted or polymer only, then I'll buy it.
Blog Love:
Long Lost Relatives
I need to start a list like this!
Letters + Words Exhibition
Drawing Cupcakes
I would have loved these as a kid!
Oooh la la!
Lots of yumminess to make and savor


TwoHeartsPath said…
I totally agree about the stamps!! I have several but always want More!!
Thanks for sharing the blog picks, I love seeing them everyday!! It is so much fun, and very inspirational!!

Bethany said…
I love stamps in all shapes and forms. They are not dead! Great post!!! Lovely stamp selection, your classes must be so fun.
Marylinn Kelly said…
Pay no attention to nay-sayers: rubber stamps will never die. Your blog love today could easily consume the rest of Sunday...don't know how you keep up with so much, but I'm very glad that you do.
Judy Shea said…
Gee.. I have a list like this, but it's in my head.. huh, who knew I should write it down or even say them out loud.. how liberating.
Raine said…
Rubber stamps will be here forever! At least in my life and the lives of my friends. After all, I stopped counting when I got to 3000...and I'm sure I've bought at least a thousand or two more since then.
I love the stamp you just bought of the lotus. It's on the left between a tulip and a large stamp with numbers in your photo. The lotus is similar to one on a paper you always seem to have. (Of course, I want the paper, too!) I'd love the name of the stamp's manufacturer...and the paper, as well. I'm hopeless!!!

So...on to the F*CK IT list...
I will NEVER:
1. stop buying stamps and paper!
2. compare my work to another's (I'm still working on this one...)
3. apologize for my size
4. shop for clothes when I don't want to
5. be a vegatarian (I LOVE red meat)
GoodchefT said…
I've walked in to stores & ask where are the rubber stamps & they look at me like I'm silly. Have also been told rubber stamps are dead by several people.
One person told me rubber stamps are for old and fat people. Nice, huh? (I spent no money on their store after they said that)
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thanks everyone! Raine, the lotus is a paper source stamp. ;)
Seth said…