22 August 2010 journal page

I am crazy busy trying to get back into the swing of things. Piles of stuff everywhere after our trips to CO, Comic Con, AZ and MA. Mom is coming next weekend. I'm trying to handle my To Do list like I do my journal pages: do as much as I can in little increments. So, I work on my To Do NOW list and then when I have little extra moments in the day, I fill in the gaps with my odd jobs that need to get done. I also push myself to do a page a day even when life gets ultra busy. Journaling is my sanity and one of the must do things that keeps me grounded, sane and happy.

Blog Love:

Tipping my hat to Director Satoshi Kon, who died on August 24th at the age of 46 of pancreatic cancer. Here is a link to an English translation of his last blog post. If you haven't seen his films, you need to.

Yasuko Ishimori
Judy's very cute post on my 2 day class in Whitman, MA.
Disorder, you are not alone with that one at the moment! Unpacking, cleaning, etc... here.
Book Booths
Sophie Adde
Alex Castro Ferreira, a new favorite blog
A dose of inspiration for everyone!
Brian has a new blog!
Bill Koeb's wise words
The classics get a makeover
Shopping in Tokyo
Three Line Novels
I would love one of these. Nostalgic, yes. If it has a long cord, it's even better!
If you're in So CA, Stampin' From The Heart is having a sale that runs through Sept 5th. Get 20% off any purchase over $20.


Unknown said…
This is lovely. She just keeps looking at you. I really like the soft feel as well.
Seems like your off to a good start on your list as this post says you did it @ 7 am in the morning-on Saturday!
Onestep at a time and you will have the trip behind you in no time. :)
GoodchefT said…
my grandmother had one of those dial phones- that sucker weighed like 15 pounds and ALL of us at some point had the phone drop onto our feet. That phone was a weapon!
Anonymous said…
Kelly your the best! Thanks for the shout out for my new blog! Wishing you the best... Brian