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11 August journal page
Funny. Tristan and I finished this page together (that's his drawing on the bottom left) while on a plane two weeks ago coming here. Now we're on a plane going back home to David. I loved this image so much that I really didn't want to do much to the page. It cracked me up between her colored tongue and the beach food, it was a fun summer picture!
Think safe travels to us today!
Blog Love:
Novembermoon, the zine!
Life in Japan (some of it almost sounds like So CA and I can relate! Dust! Bugs!)
I love it when Roseann posts!
Maggy Rozycki Hiltner
Butterfly finger puppet tutorial
She Speaks for the Freaks
Little Madam cushions
Visiting the National Postal Museum
Is it a stamp?
It's a sticker from my little yellow bicycle (scrapbooking co).