10 August 2010 journal pages

Our last day in Boston for now...it's always very sad to leave my family here. It'll be hard saying goodbye to my cutie pie nephew. Two weeks always goes by so fast. I miss David. a lot.

I hope to have my Fall 2010 schedule updated this week. I am quite behind and my To Do list seems to keep growing. EEPS.

I will be teaching VERY shortly in Hillsboro, Oregon at Art On A Lark. Please pass it on!

Blog Love:
Serious Studio Envy
On our Christmas Wishlist
The Magic of Books
Every Moment, indeed!
Color LOVE


Anonymous said…
So love your Blog Love's - Thank You.
Raine said…
Hi Kelly!
The last 2 weekends were spectacular. No surprise there! ;) I always look so forward to you teaching here. But when you said that you missed David "a lot" my heart broke a little. I cannot imagine being away from my darling husband for 2 weeks. I hope you have a joyous reunion.
Carin Winkelman said…
Like the studio envy, even though that particular studio is not my style really. Do you know Lynne Perella's book on art studio's? I drool every time I look at it. The only thing that keeps me from going green with envy is that I kinda like my own studio too ;-)