1 June 2010 journal page

Did I tell you that I finished this journal? I have a few more pages to show you. Then I'm going to show you a special project that a friend and I did together. A little break before I show you my new journal. Don't worry, you'll see it. :)

Blog Love:
Master your DSLR camera
Stella Sketchbook love part one and two
journal page love!
Karin Kramer
Sharyn's pages make me smile
Paula's Must Read List

Yummy Stuff that I Must Make Soon:
Strawberry Yogurt Soup

Films Watched:
Queimada (aka Burn!)


Sharyn said…
Thanks for the mention :)I can't wait to see the new journal.

Dawn said…
Kelly, thanks so much for that master your DSLR link. I've had one for ages and never got around to figuring out how to adjust things. Seriously, the manual isn't user friendly. I learned more in the last hour than in all the time I've had the camera.
Sandy said…
Great page and links. Loved the one about cameras too.
Carin Winkelman said…
Hey Kelly, thanks for your kind comments on my flickr. Can't wait to see your new journal, but it's no torture looking at this one either ;-)