The Before Page...

I thought I'd show you a little teaser of the before and after. I'll show you how I finished the page tomorrow. I started by picking papers that I liked, moving them around and gluing them down.

Blog Love:

Fabric Paper Tape Tutorial (though my little mind says, why not just cut it up and glue it down instead of taking the time to make it into tape...I buy tape for the patterns and not to buy tape just to buy tape, if that makes sense! Yes, there are some interesting possibilities here with a DIY tape, don't get me wrong. I am just one of the folks that some may call l a z y at times.)

Henna Love

Paper Garland Tutorial Love

Ideal Bookshelves

Who wouldn't embrace the possibility of a 4 day work week in the U.S.!

Films Watched:
The Maltese Falcon 1931 (pre-code! First film adaptation)
Satan Met A Lady (second film adaptation of The Maltese Falcon)
Out Of The Past
Where Danger Lives


Sandy said…
Great page. I think I have the same image. Great links too, I love the henna tattos, I've always wanted one but have never found anyone doing any.
jane eileen said…
Jeane's mom said...
Excuse me, but WHERE did we buy the paper that makes up the heart on your page, with all those amazing spools of thread? I think you could photocopy the whole page and reprint it as scrapbook paper and sell it.
Ella said…
Love the page and thanks for the links! I love this heart, sew
unique ;-D
Melissa said…
Nice idea, making your own tape... especially when you can't actually get it anywhere (or just don't want to spend $10 on a roll of tape!).

But you know what would be so much easier? taking that piece of fabric and GLUING IT DOWN! LOL! Could never get the hang of watercolour tape (it's so finicky) so I wouldn't want to expose myself to it needlessly. :D
Kelly Kilmer said…
Melle, that's exactly how I felt! Glue the fabric down. Cut it up as you want it and glue that stuff down ;)
martha brown said…
Yup, I didn't understand why one would glue the fabric to the tape....... maybe to make it more portable? Like to use when you don't have glue? Pretty though.....