7 May 2010 journal page

I took the lotus and you are beautiful pictures in Santa Monica a couple of weeks ago. After printing them out on regular printer paper, I hand colored them using gel pens and markers.

I'm in Berkeley today! I'll be visiting Scrapbook Territory, Castle In The Air, Moe's and Pegasus Books.

I'll be trekking to Fremont later in the day.


Roxy Caruso said…
I love how you used your photos here, taking all the random messages and making them into one very cohesive, very creative, very beautiful page!
Anonymous said…
Pretty cool you used the lotus flower on what is actually Buddha's birthday here in South Korea. I love your pages and fyi....I just made a huge pen order as per your recommendations!

Have a great weekend!
Darlene in Seoul
Sandy said…
Love the photos you used from the signs. They are great.

Berleley sounds like a fun city. I love the web sites you shared, esp. Castle In The Air, it looks like it has some interesting things. I know you'll have lots of fun at the book stores and the scrapbook store.

Hope you had a safe trip to Fremont.