2nd Blog Post of the Day, Remember Kent State May 4 1970

Remembering the 40th Anniversary of Kent State May 4, 1970...and OH Governor Rhodes quote:
"We are going to eradicate the problem. We're not going to treat the symptoms."

People seem to get upset with some of my posts. But, you know what? This "stuff" is important to me. People may classify some of what I think, ponder and worry about as "politics" and "stuff" you're not supposed to "talk about". I classify it as "life" and it's the life we're in right now. In my small opinion, the only way to possibly make it better is to start to engage in rational conversations with each other. We've been taught for years that we shouldn't talk about these things and now we don't know how. We're bombarded with press releases as news telling us what we should and shouldn't think, what we shouldn't talk about. I strongly feel that the more we talk about things, the more we can possibly change for the better. If you don't like what I write, I'm sorry. But it's part of my life just as much as it is part of your life. It's my responsibility just as it is yours.


Jazz said…
If people don't like what you write, they should go elswhere... Why keep coming back?

See, you made me comment, I don't think I ever did, though I read your blog all the time.

You have delurked me with this post.
Janet Ghio said…
I remember Kent State and how horrific it was!! I was 25 years old. There was a lot of fear and hate in the country then. Sadly it hasn't changed much. i didn't remember that the date was May 4th!! Thanks for the reminder--
Dawn D. Sokol said…
And it's YOUR blog, so why shouldn't you write what YOU want? Jazz is right: if they don't like it, they can go elsewhere...
weewaalyn said…
polictical correctness has gone mad - in Australia anyway. I enjoy hearing your opinions.
donna!ee said…
AMEN sister...the only way to prompt positive change is discussion that produces an action plan to eradicate the preservation of disorder we presently embrace as a nation...i for one appreciate your voice!! ;)
nspiegel said…
More power to you for expressing your opinions honestly, Kelly. After all, it is your blog. Who's to say what you "should" and "should not" write about? I don't agree with all of your politics but I enjoy reading everything you have to say. Somewhere along the line people seem to have forgotten that criticism of the government is the foundation of our Bill of Rights (see the First Amendment) and that without criticism there can never be change. You keep doing what you're doing, Kelly. I read you every single day.
Paula said…
Kelly, keep posting and keep us thinking. Some people just want to stick their heads in the sand. Someone needs to call us back to our past; it's part of our future. If we're at all smart, we'll learn from it.
T and J said…
The people that get upset with your posts - I really wonder what kind of lives they live?
Freedom of speech, Baby. The world would be even scarier if we didn't have different opinions.
Barb Smith said…
I am always so glad to read blog posts and art journal pages that make me think, whether they agree with my thoughts on the given subject or not. Anything that makes me think is good.

And AMEN to what everyone else has said...this is your blog, you are so entitled to have thoughts and share them in YOUR space...don't worry about anyone who gets all bent out of shape over your thoughts or journaling. *Hugs*

Peace & Love,
Unknown said…
you go girl!! if you can help open some minds and hearts, that is a good thing.
I respect that so much Kelly! One of the reasons why your blog is the First one I go to everyday! I love your opinions. You are right, we are taught not to talk about life.
Carolyn Albro said…
I find it QUITE interesting that people have a problem with what you write on your own personal blog. They need to bugger off and you need to keep doing your thang : ))
RosieB said…
I'm in England, and I utterly agree with you. Keep posting, these things are important and we need to be reminded of them often
Brian K said…
Oh Kelly! Silence is a powerful thing... Don't let ANYONE keep you silent... Say what you need to say, bring things to the light. Perhaps if we do talk about these things your chlidren's, children wont have to deal with these problems our parents and their silence created.

On a compeletly different note, looks like Orly and I(and friends) are going to be taking a class from you in June!!! Yeah!!
Joanne said…
YOU ROCK!!!!!!
Connie Lutz said…
Amazing journal pages, Kelly. You definitely captured the intensity of the incident.
Seth said…
Post away and say what ever you desire Kelly about anything and everything. I admire your authenticity. And the blood red of these pages is very powerful.
Krista said…
Journals and art are about life. Life includes everything and it was a sad day in the life of this country May 4, 1970.
Thanks for remembering and sharing your pages from that fateful day.
Judy Shea said…
Agree with everyone here... Say it proud.. and what about the kids.. they facebook, they twitter, they text.. are they ever going to learn to socialize and speak to one another without technology?? Scary.
martha brown said…
I never have a problem with your posts! Since I live in another country -- I like to know real people's opinions about issues -- not just what the media tells me. Thanks for sharing so openly :)
Anonymous said…
For every one person that is offended, there are a hundred that want to hear what you have to say... you are articulate, passionate and caring... if that those qualities are silenced by virtue of "political correctness" it would be "bleeding out" the authentic voices of our society.

So much of north american media is "spun"... it takes courage and a discerning eye to call bullshit (yes, I used THE word) when it ought to be called.

I've noticed that many artists/bloggers tone down their voices once they are gain popularity or commercial success, crumbling under the weight of popular opinion and resorting to the equivalent of "small talk"... ::big sigh of relief:: that you haven't done so, and part of why, my friend, you RULE in my books. :)

Adriane xxoo
Susan Stokinger said…
Hi Kelly, Do you remember a page I did using the photograph of the woman crying out over her friend? It still horrifies me. I believe we should all speak out. And it is ok that we do not always agree. We shouldn't. I will hold my ground and you should hold yours:):):) It's nice to know what you are thinking about. It makes me think about how I feel about what matters to you. I need to start journaling again. xxoo Susan
Lori Wostl said…
Four Dead in Ohio - sang it all day - with a lump in my throat. I was 19 made a huge impact for the rest of my life so far.

Some people are saying the same thing again now. Hate only engenders hate.

Thanks for writing. Lori W at Art Camp for Women