12 May 2010 journal page

Blog Love:
Studio Love
I wish I could go here
Barbara hits the nail on the head with this post, Working Deep

Jeane and Sharyn have been busy
I absolutely love love love this.
I can't wait for Lucy's new book to come out.
New Book Photo Collage Love

Yummy Things I want to make:
Southwestern Quinoa Salad
Summer Rolls (I ate my first one on Saturday and LOVED it)
Red Velvet Cake
Berry Cherry Popsicles
Peanut Butter Chocolate cupcakes

Movies Watched:
Kid Galahad


T and J said…
Trader Joes has the tofu rolls - I eat them frequently (they come with peanut sauce)
Whole Foods Market has the same rolls (only they cost more)
I like mine with jicama in them.
Sandy said…
I love this page and I would love to go see the Tarrot cards too. I love Barbara's post and all the other links you posted. Great recipes. I've never tried Summer Rolls, they look interesting though. You always find the neatest things. Thanks for introducing us all to new things.
Wonderful wonderful journey page!
Thank you for awesome inspiration.