10 May 2010 journal page

Tristan has P.E. testing today in Burbank. I promise I'll be back to normal,full blog posts this week!

The above photo is a transparency frame with a Hambly transparency taped and layered on top.


donna!ee said…
gorgeous...thanks so much for sharing the progression of your page! ;)
T and J said…
P.E. testing?
The one where they have you climb rope, do push ups, hang from the chin up bar and run around the room till yer red in the face?
Have they added anything new since we were in school?

I was a not a fan of gym.
Now if they had dog walking in school-I would have gotten an A++ .
jane eileen said…
Jeane's mom said...
P.E. Testing Ugh. I second that emotion.
It creates such a good effect. The pieces all fit together, real cool. I like the bright orange for the color choice too :)