The weekend...

I had a great time teaching this past weekend at Frenzy Stamper in Scottsdale, Az. I just wanted to write a big thank you. It was a great weekend when I was teaching and with friends. Thank you guys!

On the home front, it was a weird weekend. Some would say it was a weekend filled with drama. One that you don't want to happen often as it would make you crazy. We had an Invasion of the Stupid Building Management company on Thursday. All caught on video tape (with their approval). Watching it makes my head hurt.

Saturday, we found out about some sad family things that have happened. My heart goes out to our family members who are going through all of this.

Saturday night, I found out (by accident) that my sister's beloved dog, Dewey, had died. He had been sick for a long time. It was the same day that my nephew was brought home from the hospital. My Mom had been taking care of Dewey (also known as the "Grand Dog") for the past few weeks. It happened at her house and the doggie died in his sleep. They found him curled up on the rug in the morning. I dreaded having to come home yesterday for the first time in my life. How was I going to tell Tristan that his best furry friend was gone??? Tristan talks about two things: Lego and Dewey, Dewey and Lego. I waited until Monday afternoon (after I got home from AZ and did all of the things we had to do-return the rental car, etc...) and we took him to a place far from home. I didn't want him to have to associate anything with losing his best furry friend that day.

So, if I am quiet and melancholy for a bit you know that we are all aching from the loss of a damn good dog. Dewey, we love you and miss you!

This was Dewey's "Want to go out?" or "Dewey, want a yum yum face?"


Barb Smith said…
Oh Kelly, my heart just aches at the loss of Dewey. My pets are never "pets", they are family members so I know that losing Dewey hurts terribly. You and yours are in my thoughts. *Hugs*
Peace & Love,
Sharyn said…
So sorry you are going through so much right now. Please know I am here for you. And how sad for your sister to bring home baby and lose her doggie all in one day. Hope T is doing ok.

Love from me
Sherri said…
My heart is with you and your family, Kelly. Losing someone you love (furry or not) is very hard and yes, you are right, you will be sad and melancholy for awhile. You have the right. I hope the memories will help the pain.
Terri Kahrs said…
Ohhhh, Kelly, I'm so sorry for your family's loss. I'm sure that Dewey went straight to "doggie heaven". I've had several dogs in my life; and every time I lose one, it creates a hole in my heart. I always ask, "Why does God give you a heart, because it hurts so much when it breaks." Take comfort in the fact that Dewey died peacefully and in your memories. Blessings, Terri
Janet Ghio said…
I'm sorry about the loss of Dewey. Dogs are such great friends--it leaves a hole in our hearts when they are gone!
crimsoncat05 said…
Sending big doggie smooches and snuggles from Sedona and Bisbee to Tristan and your sister's family. There's nothing I can say, really, to make losing a pet any easier-- it's hard, but it will get better with time.
GoodchefT said…
the love of a pet is one of the best things in life - it really is
just keep breathing - we have Mercury Retrograde and a Scorpio full moon - it's been a bit hectic for a lot of people for several days now
rosiecatreading said…
i'm so sorry.My little Charliecat died a month yesterday --same thing I came home from work and he was all curled up what comforted me and I hope helps you was that he was at home in familiar surroundings,not frightened froYour readers are so right that them being stuffed in a carrier then handled by strangers.They do become family members, don't they? I promise you that soon you'll be laughing at all the good memories again and as sad I was to lose him I wouldn't give up those 17 years I was lucky enough to have him.
I am so sorry, Kelly. I am also touched by your loving sensitivity to have taken your son faraway to tell he wouldn't associate that news...
Sandy said…
So sorry to hear about Dewey. Loosing a pet it the worst thing and we remember it forever. They touch our lives so much.

I'm sorry you're going through so much with the building management right now. I hope they will soon leave you alone and go away.

I hope whatever is going on with your family resolves itself soon. I'll be saying prayers for you and your family.

Take care of yourself.
Paula said…
I understand, Kelly. These critters become such a part of our hearts, don't they? Hang in there, much on your plate right now. I'm keeping you in my heart.
Raine said…
Kelly, I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of Dewey. There isn't really anything to say that will make it all better. Just know that you and your family are loved and will be in my thoughts. {{{Hugs}}}
jane eileen said…
Jeane's mom said...
More hugs to all.
Krista said…
Dear Kelly
After such a great class and weekend you deserved to come home to
some good news and happy times.Very touching how you chose to tell Tristen about the passing of his dear friend.
Thank you for posting the photos of that dear doggie..and thank you once again for such an awesome class.
Sending blessings your way.
Nan said…
Oh Kelly...I'm so sorry your family is going through this. I lost my little one in December and felt as though my heart broke. A friend recommended a grief journal to me and I've just started it using a lot of the techniques I learned from you. Sending caring thoughts your way and hoping your other pesty problem goes AWAY!
Barbara Hagerty said…
There is no easy way to say good-bye to a dog. Dogs stay in your heart, and you in theirs. Andrew was Tristan's age when he first had to deal with the loss of a dog. Annie's illness was sudden, and 3 days later, she had to be put down. Andrew made the decision to hold her at the vet's. I wasn't sure about it. I thought it would kill him. He curled up in a fetal position and rocked for awhile afterward. But an hour later, he said he was glad he was there. He knew she didn't hurt. Very sad, but he really grew up that day. Not the way I would have planned, but obviously, the way that it was planned. We still have Annie's brother and litter mate. This may sound crazy to those who have never bonded with a dog, but Tristan is a better person for having know a dog he loved, and for having been loved by a dog. That love will sustain him--and you--through the loss. Still, I'm so sorry you have to go through this. XOXO
Joanne said…
My heart goes out to you and your family over the death of Dewey. I totally, totally understand - been there too. He sure was a cute little guy and I can tell he will be greatly missed.
Michele said…
So sorry to hear about poor Dewey. :( Our pets are family members and it's never an easy task when you have to face this moment.

Sometimes I wonder why I keep getting pets when it's so sad to see them go, but then again, I think there is no way my life would be complete without them.

My thoughts are with you and your family.
Susan Stokinger said…
Hi Kelly, Those are some sweet pictures. I know how traumatic it can be to lose a pet. They give us such unconditional love. I am also sorry you have had to deal with these "visits" -- such an unwanted intrusion. Hang in there. I'll send you my positive energy. xxoo Susan