End of my March 2010 journal

Blog Love-
Sharyn is giving away goodies. I've gotta tell you, when she gives away goodies, she gives away GOODies.
Found: Library Catalog Cards
Happy 94th Birthday to Beverly Cleary! (and if you ask who? like my husband did, get your ass to the library!)
Ziploc Bag Organizer Tote
You Are Some Kind of Something
Shanna Murray decals
I love the books that IHanna made using her photos and online DIY book services!

Crazy busy this week prepping for my AZ classes. I know they're not 'til next weekend but I have so much to do! I am SO excited about teaching there especially my first ever two day class! The workshop which will be jam packed with tips, tricks, techniques and info. I'm VERY excited about this class! If you've been waiting to sign up, don't delay! I'm looking forward to it!

I'm teaching a brand new mixed media backgrounds class this Sunday at Stampin From the Heart in L.A. Info here. I haven't taught a solely background (no book-making or collageing) class in a while and I'm jazzed about it!


Hagit said…
I love those side shots of full journals. I don't have a complete journal yet, which doesn't keep me from starting new ones! :-)
And I LOVED Beverly Cleary's books as a child!
apinkdreamer said…
it was a fantastic colorful journal!!!
donna!ee said…
thanks so much for sharing your exceptional creativity AND your links are awesome!! ;)
maxine said…
Kelly, blurb.com is also a nice way to make a book for yourself as a sort of artist portfolio that could be for personal use or even as a book to send out to future teaching venues. could be filled with collage spreads, broken into tutorial chapters...limitless, really.
Sandy said…
Your journal looks great with all the pages done. I love photos like this.

Thanks for the links. I remember Beverly Cleary and used to read her books when I was younger. I loved them. I also love IHanna's photobooks and it gave me and idea or two.

These 2 classes sound very interesting. I hope people will think so too. I esp. love the idea of the mixed media background class. But then the technique class sounds great too. Gosh I'd be in lots of trouble if I lived close to you. :) But oh what I would learn. It would be great. Until then I'll just continue to learn all that I can in your online classes which have been amazing. Thanks for all you do for us.
Cathe Holden said…
Thanks a bunch for sharing my Ziploc bag organizer!! How nice!
Paula said…
Your pics of your finished journals took me right back to the first time I saw one of yours and just fell in love with your style. Thanks again for some wonderful links...too much fun!
jane eileen said…
Jeane's mom said...
Anyone who does not know Beverly Cleary needs to read her book, Dear Mr. Henshaw. It is actually a diary of a kid that she wrote. I read it when I was 30 something in one day. I could not put it down after picking it up at a book fair. Good stuff, and so different than the Ramona type stuff. Now I am off to love the Blog Love!
jane eileen said…
Jeane's mom said...
1. Two words: Gorgeous book.
2. Last one to Scottsdale for the AZ classes is a rotten egg! Ok, maybe not, but let's fill that two day class and keep Kelly busy at one end of the room while the other room uses up all of her tape. No wait, that would be impossible in only two days, even if there were 20hundred of us. Sigh.
Kris said…
I bet you didn't know that I read your blog ;)
I never tire of seeing your journals and art. Never! Always special and inspirational you are!
Lori W said…
I'm having serious Frenzy Stamper envy. Would love to run away just now. Love the journals and LOVED Beverly Cleary in all iterations. Thanks for your blog
Seth said…
Love those journal shots. And of course all these links!!!