Book of Intentions Overview


FiveAcres said…
Your Book is gorgeous. What are the dimensions when closed?
Sharyn said…
I L*O*V*E this book!!! Will it perhaps become a class? I like the idea of short,little books that can be filled and finished quickly.
brigitte said…
love it! what did you make the book out of?
donna!ee said…
WOW...thanks so much for sharing this overview! it's fabtastic to take in the whole intent AND it confirms the awesome creative that you are!! ;)
jane eileen said…
Jeane's mom said...
and even more beautiful in person.
Thanks for bringing it to class and sharing it with us!
Class was crazy fun, too!
crimsoncat05 said…
thanks so much for showing the photo of the entire book; for some reason I was having a mental block about how it folded together-- very clever!!
AnnK said…
Very beautiful, Kelly!
Viki said…
I'm Lovin it!!
Melissa said…
Ah, well wasn't expecting this! Next post why don't you let us know how you liked this format compared to your standard booky style?
sharon said…
hmmm...the brain is chewing on this one. looks like a clutch sized, accordion fold book? with cool flaps and covers! will play with the concept...when i'm through "metamorphosing" all my old scrapbook papers! great seeing you this weekend! awesome classes!
Brian K said…
A beautiful wonderful book!
Sandy said…
The book is gorgeous. It looks good finished and all layed out like that.