29 March 2010 journal pagee

Blog Love-
I love when Sharyn and Jane post their journal pages.
Curious Girl meets Anne Lamott (totally jealous here!) :)
Layered and Fabulous.
Erin Faith Allen found via Teesha.

Home today. It's the last day of Tristan's vacation. We're laying low at home today for a fun day of art and Lego! Yesterday, Tristan and I went to KinoBuyItAll (aka Kinokuniya) where I was fairly well behaved and picked up a couple of pens, two rolls of tape and two books. We then hopped on the 110, took a detour (to avoid a big accident on the 5) and drove through Highland Park. Fun exploring L.A.! Porto's in Glendale. Lego store in Glendale where I swear we spent two hours filling Tristan's two pick a brick cups. A good day was had by all. :)


jane eileen said…
Jeane's mom said...
To steal your word: Love! Thanks more than I can say.
Sandy said…
Love your page Is the white writing a paper or actual writing on the page? It's so pretty.

Great links. How do you find all of these? Such great things to look at.
Sharyn said…
Thanks so much for the shoutout my dear!
Aundria B. said…
Porto's is ALWAYS a treat - most of our birthday cakes come from there - yumm!! glad you're enjoying your week-end.
Hagit said…
I really enjoy your journal pages, and I have to say a word about your links. I normally wouldn't have patience to go through all them, but i've noticed yours are always "my type"- I enjoy them a lot, and have gotten to know quite a few interesting blogs through you, so - thanks! :)