18 March 2010 journal page

I used my Polaroid Pogo to take a picture of one of my old journal covers (the eyes) for the top page.

Teaching at Zinnia today! (Can you tell I'm excited?!?! I love Zinnia!)

Blog Love-
I found ArtnLight via Swirly Girl
Jane and Jeane have new stencils, birds! Here's what Jeane did with them.
Fine Little Day is having a sponsor giveaway here.
Psst, my favorite magazine (Uppercase) is having a sale this weekend. Don't say I didn't ever tell you anything. ;)

Sunday morning at 10 a.m. PST on KPFK in L.A. (90.7 FM), Blase Bonpane airs his last interview with Howard Zinn from December 2009. You can listen to it on the web, too.

Still cleaning. Dropped 8 bags of clothes and toys off at NCJW on Fairfax Friday.


Taylor schapiro said…
Drop the books off my way
Lori W said…
Now I have more stencils on the way - woo hoo - just because my Easter bunny wears a postoffice uniform doesn't mean the candy is less sweet! That cleaning thing can really take over, I'm actually going to dust! be still my heart! I do it about 2X a year whether I need to or not LOL
jane eileen said…
Jeane's mom said...
Please tell me more about Uppercase.
I may have to quit checking this blog. It is getting too expensive!!!
Kelly Kilmer said…
Taylor-nice try.

Lori-can the Easter bunny come visit me?

I can one up that and bring the issues or an issue with me if I see you this month in AZ?

I love the magazine. Graphically and artistically speaking, it is GORGEOUS. Well thought out articles accompanied by scrumptious eye candy photos are yummy. It's not your run of the mill typical eye candy froo froo stuff. It packs a lot of substance in each and every issue about a variety of topics and subjects. The last issue had an article on axes. Now who in the hell would ever think that an ax could be of interest to someone like me? But the accompanying pictures and article made it an eye opener and well worth reading! :D

If you go to the tumblr part of their site, you can get an EYEdea (ha ha ha) of what kind of goodies they feature and what they are about. I find it to be the MOST inspiring magazine on the market (and I buy alot of $15 magazines from a certain publisher).

LOL I haven't been posting much stuff 'to buy' lately 'cause I really haven't bought anything, but Uppercase is the only magazine that I subscribe to and it is worth every flipping penny.

Barbara Hagerty said…
I seriously LOVE these journal pages!! I'm going to check out "Uppercase" right now. Sounds wonderful! In the meantime, I've posted a link to a tutorial in my last blog post for making very quick and easy nested scalloped circles and rings without die cuts or a die cutter...thinking this is something you might use...
lisa_crofts said…
Isn't decluttering so much fun!!!!!

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