Johnny Maestro

Johnny Maestro
passed away on Wednesday. For my 16th Birthday, my Dad surprised me by taking my family (Dad, Mom, my sister Erin and me) to Fishkill, NY in the Fall of 1990. He wouldn't tell us WHY or WHAT we were going to do. I still had no clue what we were doing there sitting in the theater listening to and watching Johnny Maestro sing. It wasn't until I heard MY name followed by the song, "Sixteen Candles". I was embarrassed when he called my name and asked me to come up and get an album from them on stage. Eeps. (I was the shy and quiet kid, so having someone sing to me and mention my name onstage was a bit embarrassing). I looked over to see my Dad beaming from ear to ear. Dad's not beaming today. He's sad about the loss of one of the greatest voices and nicest guys. So, thanks Johnny-and Dad-for the memories.


Sandy said…
What a great story and what a sweetheart of a Dad. I'm sorry about the passing. It's a great memory.
Jeane Frizzell said…
Cutest story ever!