5 March 2010 journal pages

Playing around with layering vellum and the like. I sewed a few sheets of vellum randomly into this book and just layering paper, stickers and the like onto the pages.

Teaching this weekend! Looking forward to it.

Blog Love-

I LOVE this post on how she stores her washi tape in a utensil container.

A cute bunny stuffie tutorial over at The Adventures of Blue Girl XO.

Jeane and her unending quest for everything you can do with a stencil.

How did I miss this? National Day of Unplugging.

Films watched lately-
All I Desire
Magnificent Obsession
(yes, we bought a Douglas Sirk boxset. 7 films. $20 at Amoeba. Couldn't leave it there.)

Disturbing article on author Peter Watts being found guilty of "resistance" at a U.S. Border crossing.

Today there are anti-war protests going on in L.A., SF, DC, NY and more. You can click on the image below for more info for the L.A. protest.


Sharyn said…
LOVE the vellum pages! You continue to amaze me with your neverending ideas.
Jeane Frizzell said…
I love the vellum! What a great idea! You had such great blog love today. :) Aside from the obvious,I loved the tape dispenser and the bunny!
Lori W said…
Kelly I cannot believe you sent me to another TAPE place. Good thing I haven't gotten my allowance yet! I spent my last allowance over at Jeane's Etsy shop on stencils...you need to get commissions.

Denver and Boulder don't have any demonstrations - guess it's time to move.
Penney said…
You sewed on the pages! Wahoo! Looks great as always, girlfriend!
Sandy said…
Great pages and I have vellum from my scrapbooking stash.

I hope you have lots of fun at your class. I know you will. Lucky students. :)

I think I have that same utensil holder in my drawer for my utensils and I got it at Target. Great idea. I need more tape in order to get the holder. I'm working on that.

I've got my stencils from Jeane and I'm hoping to start using them very soon. I couldn't resist. She's so talented.

I agree with the Unplugging and if I were in LA and had enough energy I would have been marching with them.
Lori W said…
I went to Target but ended up getting a clear acrylic utensil tray out of the clearance bin. I like to see what I have. I was wondering if you have ever found or seen anything along the line of vellum that is thinner or more sheer. Need a little more visibility. Thanks.