February 3, 2010 journal page

The goodies I brought back from Frenzy Stamper. The stamps aren't pictured because they're already in my class bag for my students to use!
My reading pile (and yes, I collect the Europa Editions titles. LOVE them.)
What didn't make it into the pile as hubby has them in HIS pile wrapped in plastic-
Head on over to Sharyn's blog. She's having a contest!

David Fullarton blog Love


I love this. LOVE this. The Zinn Education Project.


Sherri said…
Kelly, I love reading your blog daily--you always have inspirig links and I visit places I have never been before. Thank you! *Sherri*
Sharyn said…
So do you just start at the top of the pile and work your way down? I thought my pile was bad.

Thanks so much for mentioning my blog and contest! You are the best-est!
Sandy said…
Great page, love your stack of books and great links of course.