February 12, 2010 journal page

Fingers crossed that I don't have jury duty this week. I am behind on everything and still coughing (stupid cold!).

Polka Dot Robot Blog Love

You can buy both of Barron Storey's books through his blog. Yeah, you need 'em both.

Finished watching Season 4 of The Wire. Season 5, here we come.


Sandy said…
Great page. I love the pink scroll sticker going up the left side and the image in the middle. I can imagine trying to plan all the classes is hard work, the most enjoyable part is probably the actual class fun time. :)

I have been wanting to watch the Wire for awhile now but my video store doesn't have it and it's expensive in the store. I guess I'll have to join Netflix to watch it. Is it good?
Tara Finlay said…
You can find tape similar to that garden tape at Michael's for a dollar a roll in the dollar savings aisle. They have many other patterns too - polka dots and scrolly patterns etc.
Kelly Kilmer said…
Sandy, The Wire is probably in my top 5 favorite all time TV shows.
BonnyBadger said…
Wow I love these pages. i just started my first journal today. Very amateur but enjoying it!
Jeane Frizzell said…
Your love sign language hand is too cute! I love the cursive glittery stickers! (Yes, I think this is the first time I actually paid proper attention to them!) :)